Example sentences of "[indef pn] who [vb mod] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is hard to disappoint someone who may have come in as a last port of call when all other channels to sort out their problems seem closed .
2 But a major difficulty remains : SSDs will be reluctant to commit themselves to picking up the bill for several months ' residential rehabilitation for someone who may have arrived in the area the previous week .
3 So long as I was looking for someone who might want to murder Michael Banks , I was getting nowhere .
4 The result is that instead of trying to recover the often indeterminable illocutionary force intended by the author for this or that character , the actor finds himself inventing someone who might have wished to express this or that speech act by means of the speeches assigned to him in the text .
5 He came out of it as someone who might have committed a slight indiscretion , no more , and a heterosexual one at that .
6 Except — someone who might have watched her — followed her …
7 " Shakespeare " denotes someone who might have had any number of different characteristics .
8 Joanna Wood , 48A Pimlico Road , SW1 , is one of those shops that sells charming fripperies , the sort of place where you can be sure of finding the very thing for someone who would prefer to buy their own toaster but who would love to be given a Limoges breakfast set or monogrammed shoe-bag .
9 Someone who would have known she was exceptional and have encouraged her . ’
10 Even those of us who are keen to return the residents to London can not turn the clock back to those days , but I recommend Tower House to someone who would like to see Malmesbury go more gently into the future .
11 If you need someone to do the taping , either make it one musician 's responsibility , or try to find someone who would like to mix your sound at gigs .
12 POLICE were reconstructing yesterday the movements of the couple murdered in a ‘ lovers ’ lane ’ in Epping Forest , Essex , in the hope of jogging the memory of someone who could help find the killer .
13 Jeremy Taylor is someone who can afford to put his principles into practice .
14 PC SASPAC is therefore not useful to someone who will want to study low-level data for a large number of counties , though it is suitable for someone who is only interested in one or two and not fond of computers !
15 An assessment will be carried out by someone who will try to find out what kind of needs you have and what services would best meet those needs .
16 You rescued me from those gorillas at the garage , took me out to that dinner and , lo and behold , I came home to find my house ransacked by someone who must have known how long I 'd be away .
17 Today 's prayer was written by someone who must have experienced the terrible sense of desolation that Cardinal Newman spoke about — it was written by the great composer , Beethoven , at a time when he realised that his deafness was incurable .
18 Someone who 'd have appreciated what 's on offer !
19 He had picked somebody he thought he could work with smoothly rather than somebody who might try to steal the credit .
20 And would an an apprentice , like somebody who 'd say served say five years as their time , once their time was out would it be common for them to be kept on ?
21 It was not everyone who would have relished going off into the dark forest ; Lugh did not relish it at all , in fact .
22 The best I can do as a manager is a combination of threatening , cajoling and being nice to everyone who can help to give my act the best possible shot .
23 None who might have carried that wish to the length of killing her .
24 ‘ It looks ’ , said the judge who was plainly captivated by the actress , ‘ as if I am the only one who would like to see Miss Collier again . ’
25 But I discerned that she was a pretty child , one who would have grown into a beauty had she been allowed the opportunity to age .
26 Oscar was not the only one who would have to muster some excuses in the near future : so would he .
27 So erm , she 's usually the one who would have staggered round
28 He looked at the old man , peering darkly under his down-drawn brows ; and there was one who would have questioned and writhed and wondered , pondering long before he would have given any answer , and then , most likely , regretting the answer he had given , whatever it chanced to be .
29 He invited a non-native English speaker , one who could cast his net across several disciplines and one who would agree to talk freely from notes rather than the traditional script .
30 One who may have done so is Tamotsu Ushida , the manager of Daiwa 's Omori branch in Tokyo .
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