Example sentences of "[indef pn] which [vb mod] not be " in BNC.

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1 Torquay Deaf Club suffered some minor damage , but nothing which could not be easily repaired .
2 As the pleasurable feelings which first fuelled my psychological addiction decreased and began to turn sour , it became easier to give up the habit , something which would not be possible with a physically addictive drug such as heroin .
3 It allows the engineers to achieve something which would not be possible otherwise and which seems natural to the audience .
4 On the contrary , it is time to treat religion as something strange and outside the ordinary run of life , something which , mysteriously , has had a vast effect on people , over which wars were fought and people were burned and persecuted , and which still has an effect on people ; something which can not be reduced to mere kindness at the old people 's parties or village jumble sales , but which has inspired some of the most splendid painting , writing , music , and architecture ever to be produced by the human imagination , and is still capable of producing martyrdom , cruelty , and sectarian passion .
5 For instance , the words ‘ inshore fishing is n't an easy life ’ might add something which can not be gathered from the pictures alone .
6 It provides access to information , the currency of which is not in doubt , something which can not be true of printed guides .
7 It was , Joyce explained , ‘ a song generally used by anti-Fascists of Communist persuasion , and one which would not be used by nice Worthing people . ’
8 not , which , one which would not be over in a year and a half .
9 The very essence of the word ‘ belief ’ is that it is a conclusion based upon thought and experience but one which can not be irrefutably proved .
10 That makes it a real , live possibility , and one which can not be ignored , surely ? ’
11 In effect it implies a very complex situation in relation to attitudes and one which can not be resolved here .
12 In so doing he may come as near as he can ever hope to an understanding of war as people of the late Middle Ages knew it , no easy task even in the most favourable conditions , but one which can not be attempted with any hope of success without a proper appreciation of the many threads which make up history .
13 That relation , as we have seen in the study of the parallelism of greater precision , is a dynamic one which can not be mechanically delineated , but which often yields itself only to patient exegetical probing , each couplet in its own right .
14 Problem 1 Assuming , for the moment , the truth of the assertion of uniqueness made in Remark ( iii ) above , one deduces that , amongst the axioms listed for Z , there must be at least one which can not be satisfied by Q. Can you identify which axiom(s) from A1 through to I are not satisfied if one attempts to apply them to Q instead of Z ?
15 ( ii ) The word " irreducible " is a good one for elements with the property listed in 1.3.5(ii) since according to that definition an irreducible element is one which can not be represented as a product of two properly " smaller " elements .
16 Equally , the key word in Robyn 's deconstruction of what Silk Cut really means is one which could not be spoken on television .
17 Somehow , the old man had let out a dangerous secret , one which could not be discussed in a room on an Air Force base .
18 They may be regarded as having been , at central government level , ideologically inspired : that is , undertaken either on the view that the possibility of rescuing a failed , conventionally organised enterprise would serve to promote Socialism in a neo-Marxist version of it absolutely opposed to Capitalism , and that the occasion was one which must not be missed even though the odds against success were heavy ; or in a spirit of uncritical idealism , sure that the ideology guaranteed success , that the gloomy appraisal was therefore wrong and the distinction between co-operative means and socialist ends a carping irrelevance .
19 Within this scheme of thought , anything which can not be controlled is labelled dangerous and marginal , particularly when society is working to preserve its unity and to develop more sophisticated systems of self-definition , as was the case for the Jewish community in Palestine following the exile .
20 Anything which could not be proven in a laboratory by scientific method — anything , that is to say , which was bigger than science — was ruled out of court .
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