Example sentences of "[indef pn] that [verb] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing that had happened recently had caused her pain , she told herself adamantly — anger certainly , and annoyance in abundance , but not pain .
2 Even if progress is slower than expected , and it may not be , nothing that has happened so far gainsays General Colin Powell 's claim after six days of fighting that the allies , unopposed in the air , are systematically dismantling Saddam Hussein 's ability to wage war , and doing so at remarkably small cost to themselves .
3 ‘ We shall regret nothing that has happened now . ’
4 She was the incarnation of everything that had gone amiss in Sylvie 's own life .
5 What was said tongue-in-cheek was received as confirmation of everything that had gone before : the Prince of Wales was seriously out of his tree .
6 But North himself , on the point of abandoning the operation , begging to be moved on ‘ to other things ’ , made plain the point of everything that had gone before : ‘ Wd very much like to give RR two hostages that he can take credit for . ’
7 Still , they were better than everything that had gone before .
8 1984–87 — house music and the electronic transformation in Chicago of everything that had gone before .
9 One sees on such maps the new landscape actually in course of being planned , and can see how completely it was drawn afresh , regardless of almost everything that had gone before .
10 So Elizabeth told her everything that had happened today and after half an hour they decided to tell everyone what the they had done at the disco that night .
11 The house seemed full of silence ; and suddenly everything that had happened earlier led to this .
12 What happens then is that faith runs up against an awkward question or a scornful dismissal , and suddenly everything that had seemed so unmistakably certain , meaningful , true , collapses like a balloon leaving the remnants of faith limp and deflated .
13 This last task is possibly the most difficult because the audience must be convinced that the ending chosen is the only possible outcome of everything that has gone before .
14 As it unfurls the panoramic vistas of past periods and epochs within the European cultural tradition , history builds a view of ourselves as the inevitable continuation and culmination of everything that has gone before .
15 Spinoza , for example , links the idea of independence with another principle — he calls it an " axiom " — viz. that " everything that exists exists either in itself or in another " .1 To exist " in itself " is to be self-subsistent , non-adjectival , non-parasitic , upon something else ; the characteristics that traditionally have been associated with substance .
16 alter everything that 's gone before .
17 Oh okay what every everything that 's made so
18 Everything that 's happened here , everything that 's gone wrong , is meant to be a part of some coherent plan — the overthrow of O'Neill , the destruction of the power sharing , the jamming of the Anglo-Irish Agreement works , screwing poor old Peter Brooke .
19 But whereas say something that happens say Well say take for example where I live in .
20 But she was hollow , not with dislike for him but with indifference , a faint and empty sickness , something that had gone away .
21 His whole body spoke a subtle language of command ; something that had developed quite naturally and unconsciously during the long years of his rule .
22 This was worse — to have him apologise for something that had felt so right , so wonderful .
23 Symbolism had been fun in his early days with her , but it was something that had turned very sour in a live-in situation .
24 Erm er I mean er technically it should be something that 's done centrally .
25 Something that 's got very little to do with goodness , ’ he grunted .
26 Well , they have a fight erm they very rarely attack us , but they very frequently fight amongst themselves , and it 's usually over something that 's happened previously , but a few stupid words can just spark something that could be ignored if everything else was all right , but it an insult on top of hundreds of insults will just tip them over .
27 Paintings erm have the power to take you back in time , I can look at a painting and remember something that 's happened yesterday or years and years ago and as a small child , looking at this painting I remembered as a small child seeing for the first time erm the sea dipping into er , sorry the sun dipping into , into the sea and being horrified I was convinced that the heat of the sun would boil the oceans and the world dry and it reminded me for an awful lot of my childhood and I 'm sure if I 'd seen this painting years ago it would of persuaded me otherwise , erm this is called In A Days Work Satisfaction in a days work , chosen not given , eating the laxed food , face turned to steer a sun , making cloth into a gown and giving colour to the side of a boat
28 Such disdain for something that has become almost universal in the first-class game clearly helps in his psychological battle with the bowlers ; disdain is , in fact , an important part of his armoury , combining with his might and skill to cement his authority .
29 The principle must be whether it is right to use public money to reward something that has happened anyway or to encourage something that might not happen if we do not use that public money .
30 She said : ‘ This is not something that has happened before .
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