Example sentences of "[indef pn] that [pers pn] do n't " in BNC.

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1 During the death story Tin Roof tells Someone that they do n't ‘ move in time ’ ( 133/329 ) , but when he comes back to life , Larry feels as if he ‘ live[s] backwards ’ ( 104/300 ) and hears conversations ‘ in waves that run backwards through time ’ ( 103/299 ) .
2 Give it to someone that you do n't like very much .
3 A second look confirmed they were there , but he asked photographer Douglas McCord to take a picture to convince everyone that they do n't put something strong in the gatehouse tea and coffee .
4 I 'll have to tell everyone that I do n't fancy him any more
5 And of course I had to admit in front of everyone that I did n't .
6 Wayne , in her mother 's view , was more than just an ordinary valley kid ; he was a walking symbol of everything that she did n't want for her daughter .
7 Presumably Christie 's knows something that we do n't .
8 ‘ For us , ’ explains Derry , ‘ success is something that we do n't want , spiritually , if you like … ’
9 ‘ I make it that he knows something that we do n't . ’
10 Or maybe he knows something that we do n't know . ’
11 Can I just say that 's something that we do n't normally do .
12 They like to be able to go to a show and to be able to see something that they do n't see in their everyday lives — you know , catching the bus to go work or coming home on the bus .
13 I think that they may be frightened to speak up and that they 're scared that if they say something that they do n't know , like a lot of them do n't know the facts , like today , in the same class as Janine across there , some of them did n't know even the very the pro , progression of the male pill or anything like that , and they did learn a few things but a again they never spoke up and they were n't interested , but I
14 As give them something that 's not gon na be erm of use , or something that they do n't see
15 Er if part of the package cont contains something that they do n't want
16 I 'm not saying that 's not , but that 's the reason bloody vegetarian 's again all people who do something that they do n't have to always shout about it and try and turn every one else like it
17 Ember would n't even tell her what from , but she could sense through the flux of data that came from her paling blue awareness that the others had something planned for her , something that she did n't want .
18 Shelley was beginning to see something that she did n't like at all .
19 He 's like a small child who is so busy peering at something that he does n't look where he is going .
20 A typical instance can be seen when one person attempts to persuade another to do something that the latter does n't want to do , or to tell him something that he does n't want to hear .
21 Now , God never asks us to do something that he does n't do himself .
22 Brian Lane ( schoolteacher ) : ‘ One thing I remember about David was something that he did n't take part in , which was a concert held at the school in aid of a pavilion that was being put up by the parents and teachers , and being paid for by them .
23 Something that he did n't take into account when working out forecasts , however , was that ICL would set up a new subsidiary , ICL PC GmbH .
24 To backpedal and tell any part of the truth would be to admit his complicity with the Ashdown girl , which was something that he did n't want to be drawn into ever again .
25 He was going to be responsible for something that he did n't know or care the first thing about .
26 He realized that experience in the quarrying industry is certainly something that you do n't get rid of .
27 Looking for something that you do n't expect to find is a demoralizing task , and succeeding in finding nothing offers only a dreary satisfaction .
28 The person was older than me and he 's a bit higher up the rank than me and it 's all about it probably comes with experience he 's to stand for yourself really but it 's when you 're our age and a bit younger you do n't want to be seen to be rocking the boat if there 's something that 's going on that you do n't agree with but you 're asked to do something that you do n't want to do valid reasons you have n't got the time or it 's not really up to you to do it
29 Erm the cluster makes you realise how you presented things to people what you can improve them having things in your hand that it it just makes you erm more nervous because you 're fumbling about what makes me more nervous you 're fumbling about with something trying to do something that you do n't really need to do .
30 I know something that you do n't know , I know
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