Example sentences of "[indef pn] in the [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr Marr was certainly killed by someone in the sense that his neck was broken and the doctor does n't think it could have been accidental .
2 ‘ There 's someone in the village that 'll shoot him . ’
3 It occurred to someone in the library that whoever had stolen the four volumes would certainly be after the fifth to complete his collection , so instead of watching people they watched the surviving book .
4 I learnt by various devious means , ’ and here he winked at her , ‘ that they 'd been taken out by someone in the section that deals with the interrogation of defectors from the Soviet Union .
5 You 'll need plenty in the struggle that lies ahead . ’
6 Ward was very much the old Etonian now , his manner still mild , but with something in the voice that held Rodriguez riveted , both hands on the table and his bottom half out of his seat .
7 So there might be something in the argument that , that it 's not just a , a question of what you 've learned from the north , but there may be a recognition that the economy in the south is different , or at least they might be arguing , those who are arguing that the economy in the south is different and that , that reform might not be necessary , it might not even be appropriate in the south .
8 This how you over everything Well there 's something in the background that you might do
9 There 's something in the atmosphere that I do n't like .
10 Therefore there may well be something in the view that the product market imposes a constraint , though not in the extreme version that perfect competition is synonymous with efficiency .
11 There may be something in the view that many environmental regulations in the United States are over-stringent , but an insurance market that boasts of insuring all risks , and which is paid for doing to , can not logically complain when unforeseen risks are realized .
12 And , although the meeting of their lips had none of the searching hunger that they had shared before , there was something in the touch that reassured her .
13 He bought a new radio for her though she said she did n't need it , but he wanted some evidence of what he was achieving , something in the flat that proved he was doing all right .
14 But if Eliot in the poem has adopted the personality of a fertility god , this god is a peculiarly Prufrockian one in the sense that for all ‘ The constant flame shall keep me warm , ’ he remains not simply a minor divinity , neither being nor meant to be Prince Hamlet , but also , for all the lovers ' attentions , an impotent ghost , ‘ A bloodless shade among the shades/ Doing no good , but not much harm ’ .
15 The insistence in this quotation on typicality shows that the difference is not an absolute one in the sense that speech has one grammar and writing another .
16 It was unfortunate that Graham Watson regarded the matter as a commercial one in the sense that he negotiated a fee of £500 for the publication rights .
17 Er there 's another book which is similar to the other one in the sense that it made up of some papers by Phillips , Steel and Tants and that has some information about Mexicano in it , er and you find that some people er were giving Mexican language a low a low prestige rate whereas other group in the community were doing the opposite and giving a high prestige rate or certainly a less low one , er in favour of spanish a lot of the Because it was in I think it 's in South America I guess , er you find that a lot of the locals were switching to spanish because it was coming the dominant language er because of societal pressures and constraints and so on .
18 Furthermore , they will know that such disturbances will force them to produce a level of output which is not the optimal one in the sense that it is not what they would in advance choose to produce at a price of P .
19 Now the difficult the last one is a hard one in the sense that it 'll ask the person to write a paragraph , several sentences .
20 But it seems that , I mean , redressing a paper that you know what it says is one thing erm so something like Hillman 's Guardian , he knows what words they are going to use in those headlines and he provides them with a new look for saying those words in , but in many ways his redesign of that paper was erm it was an undynamic one in the sense that he was still providing them with elements which they could bolt together to make a page in a classic broadsheet newspaper way .
21 He 's the only one in the family that smokes .
22 He was a good listener ; he was about the only one in the house that was these days .
23 Blanche , on the other hand , loved her café with its ramshackle tables , grubby menus and her face being the only one in the restaurant that was not Asian .
24 I suggest buying a new cone of yarn , unless you happen to have one in the cupboard that is untouched and which still has the price paid for it .
25 Strolling with his owner through a field littered with pebbles and stones , he suddenly spotted one in the crowd that really took his fancy .
26 If , she said to herself , writing Marjorie Richardson and Lady Mayhew and Miss Dunstable down for Easter lilies , if I do everything in the parish that I should do , and I keep the garden going and the meals and the house ( sort of ) and the translation , then where can be the harm in doing this other undeniably humble little thing that so curiously makes me feel strong and alive ?
27 You have everything in the world that a man can want .
28 Back then it was called ‘ nancy boys ’ which was what my father used to call homosexuals , and he thought that all actors were homosexuals , so I could n't tell him that everyone in the company that I first joined was homosexual — except me .
29 A 100-yard net can be properly set in less than five minutes — I could do that single-handed out of experience , but there is nothing in the technique that any novice need regard as prohibitive .
30 Now the Board of Practice and Procedure has a budget and w which we have already negotiated , and we 're hoping to be able to hold our presbytery clerks conference but there is nothing in the budget that could possibly cope with these additional conferences and these would therefore be new and additional expenditure , and this motion can not therefore be treated as competent .
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