Example sentences of "[indef pn] but [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I feel bitter that while I was out there I was somebody but I 've come back as a third class citizen .
2 Nobody but you thought to call in on me , ’ said Doris .
3 Looking at all package deals today Tenerife , erm eighteen nights , hundred and five or summat but you had to go sixth February .
4 Marie said nothing but she had worked at an old people 's home as part of her Community Care Course .
5 It will be seen that the presence of a receiving target explains nothing but it does nudge two previously separate areas of discourse , the mind and the body , into a common sphere .
6 She had also caught the very faint remnant of warmth , gaiety , that he thought no-one but himself had recognized from the old days .
7 Not only did we want to improve something but we have created the wealth to make more resources and improvements available for social needs .
8 He turned to ask the Headmaster something but he had disappeared .
9 He went up , and it 's first time he 'd seen her for a while and she said something about , oh he was supposed to have something but he got to hear this well it 's got nothing to do with all the others .
10 Ask them to write me a reference so I got form to fill in to send off for something but I 've got ta write something .
11 and erm , she 's desperate at the end or something , she for good or something but she does get him at the end or summat , at er E Street , E Street started last night , it 's on Sky , erm , it seems canny
12 As far as I was concerned , reading was an automatic skill rather than an indication of superior intelligence or understanding , and no one but myself seemed to have noticed the difference , or even realised that there was one .
13 But no one but himself happened to know it .
14 ‘ Everybody 's saying our game against Spain next month is the big one but we 've got to win this one first and get the job done . ’
15 Then you can put it back , it will go any time wo n't it cos my mummy 's got one but hers has got a radio
16 I 've never ridden one but I 've heard of it , with this back
17 and I , if I get onto my last one I might order one but I 've got
18 C can we s sorry to keep coming back to this one but I want to leave the A sixty one for the time being .
19 Presumably there 's so many songs in your repertoire that you you 've no need really to get a new one er you as artists might want to get a new one but you 've got so many er evergreens I mean you could go on for ever with just the evergreens could n't you ?
20 The policeman on duty was a different one but he seemed to have already struck up a friendship with Fenella .
21 I used to have one but he got fed up of me using it so he cut plug off
22 She 's written on the marriage one but she 's got
23 ‘ Er … thanks for everything but I 've got to get these ladies some food .
24 Most of us do n't hate anybody but we do dislike some .
25 Mum always bragged about never borrowing off anyone but I had noticed that since Dad had been on short time she seemed to have more money than ever to spend and was getting more friendly with the neighbours she could not stand as a rule .
26 Dippy Martin had not seen anyone but he had spent some time at the top of the lane .
27 They were a tremendous help during that period when my athletics earning power was almost nil but I had to devote all my time to athletics to achieve success .
28 Yes I think that probably this had been er very wise in this er in so I 'm not saying that they 've helped us or anything but they 've kept the middle of the line and erm In the beginning when things were beginning to whatsit er the inspector sent two policemen down here and asked me would I ask the lads not to do any damage to property and all this , and that and said , Right there 's a lodge tonight and I shall ask them I shall tell them to do that .
29 I 'm not a software expert or anything but I had discovered some interesting loop holes in procedures .
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