Example sentences of "it comes down " in BNC.

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31 It will toss it into the air with its front paws , then try to catch it in its mouth as it comes down .
32 It comes down to power , ’ said Cameron .
33 ‘ When it comes down to it , it 's a class thing .
34 But see , what it comes down to , and it 's universal for all relationships , is communication .
35 When knitting your samples did you notice that although the back bed was making the pattern , the design actually shows on the work facing you as it comes down between the beds ?
36 I 'm not really an emotional person at all , just because I 'd rather ignore emotion than confront it , so when it comes down to really heavy shit it kinda just breezes right by me .
37 And when it comes down to it , most of the ethical arguments are about these two differences of approach .
38 I 'm just like my mum , when it comes down to it , That 's why I quite admired Auntie Muriel , in a guarded sort of way I 'd think , I really should try to be like her , she was so content , nothing ever fazed her , I did n't want to be a farmer , understand , but I did n't want to be like mum either , tied to a feckless man , trying to keep him and me , having to hustle all the time to stop from sinking I fancied myself on a corporate asteroid , settling down with someone who would cherish me and buy me everything I wanted Carmen and her crew had the same ideas , even if they acted like they were going to be bad girls for ever ,
39 When it comes down to it , if we encourage this generation of kids to chill out then maybe we 're leading the way — in a few years ’ time , the world will be a better place to live in .
40 It comes down to this : can the ERM be modified to preserve some of the benefits of exchange-rate stability , while allowing governments greater freedom to change monetary policy according to domestic economic circumstances ?
41 So it 's again , unfortunately it 's it comes down in one of these erm pays your money takes your choice erm er arguments .
42 Anyway , I went into it to basically find who in the fuck I was , and what it comes down to is having a wank every five minutes of every day .
43 it comes down for you and you would have to sign documents of , erm , anyway so it 's
44 Look — what it comes down to is , Jake and Fand both want this Undry thing .
45 And when a decision comes down , it comes down unexplained to an officer who must continue his relationship with the polluter .
46 I say the choice , but since any even half-curious visitor to the High Pyrenees will want to go up both valleys , it comes down only to deciding which to visit first .
47 So when does the value come down to zero , well it comes down to zero when the bit we 're taking away is equal to that .
48 If it comes down open , I 'll send the valentine to Jan 's son .
49 If it comes down shut , I 'll send it to Boldwood . ’
50 I i it comes down to If we 're gon na move it earlier , why are we gon na move it earlier ?
51 One can gain a certain insight from manufacturers ' advertising and reports from other people , but finally it comes down to whether the machine is suitable for the individual 's needs and whether he can afford the price .
52 But when it comes down to it , they 're just another extension of the posing and preening junk-culture metal showing now on MTV heavy rotation .
53 In the end , it comes down to resources .
54 I am what I am , and I would n't want to change my identity — nobody does when it comes down to it . ’
55 Where it 's going up and then it levels out and it comes down .
56 But when it comes down to it , Oswaldston is n't the sort of place one visits , is it ? what ? ’
57 ‘ You might be a whizz at your job , you might have the charisma of ten men , but when it comes down to normal decent human values you 're nothing .
58 It comes down to people problems . ’
59 Nevertheless when it comes down to it the Beatles and their Apple Corps bear some responsibility for the ridicule now habitually visited on that kind of language and the culture that spawned it .
60 In the end it comes down to personal prejudice .
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