Example sentences of "[indef pn] that [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If it were possible to compile a complete list of the basic propositions needed to say everything that essentially needs to be said about the world , existential propositions would not be among them .
2 How can a child feel able to tell , and have confidence in those who say they have their ‘ best interests ’ in mind , when the person they have named as their abuser is to be involved in everything that then happens to them ?
3 TEARDROP EXPLODES Vox Teardrop & Phantom XII Looking cool is something that rarely happens to me these days , but strapping on either of these reissued Vox guitars it 's hard to tell if it 's grey hairs or ice …
4 The standard of accuracy expected is something that sadly seems to be lacking in quite a few civilian counterparts , as is the expectation that the pilot devour every bit of information related to his chosen profession .
5 I mean reading as to be put in a context and a context that is , in fact , enjoyable to the child , not something that just happens at school that they have to do , hence one they go to school the value of parents hearing the children read , because then the parent is also involved and one does n't get this split between home and school .
6 I mean reading as to be put in a context and a context that is , in fact , enjoyable to the child , not something that just happens at school that they have to do , hence one they go to school the value of parents hearing the children read , because then the parent is also involved and one does n't get this split between home and school .
7 The effect of having a baby had also put some of them off sex altogether for a while , which is something that also happens to older mothers .
8 The drama depicted is something that once happened in front of the canvas — where the painter claimed to be nature !
9 erm and as you 'll be able to see from my introduction make do and mend was n't something that suddenly happened in nineteen thirty nine there were sections of society in which make do and mend was a permanent and not not particularly erm welcome fact of life .
10 Death was something that only happened to other people — except there was the ragged hole that the shadow-voices had opened up in her and Zulei was tearing at it and there was death behind .
11 George Felix was surely in a rage , but he was also enjoying being angry , and that was something that never happened to her father , whose rages had made anger such a familiar monster .
12 I just had to keep telling myself it would all be worthwhile for both of us : one day she would be flying free , which is not something that always happens to birds of prey bred in captivity .
13 Even so there is still some dragging of feet which makes things like the implementation of standards which could be used across , not only C&P , but ICI as a whole , something that still belongs to the future .
14 But branches need a facility , it 's not about in-fighting , it 's about something that actually happened within my branch , I 'd like to add that we won the appeal , when the branch went through it raised two questions , we won one , we lost one .
15 The other one that immediately comes to mind is er is is Strensall common but that of course is within the greenbelt erm anyway .
16 While the poverty trap affects very large numbers of workers — including some who are part of the underclass — the unemployment trap is one that particularly operates against this group , especially those at its margin .
17 It was these latter findings , plus the conclusions of the exploratory study given in Part A of this report , that persuaded me to attempt a more wide-ranging review of published literature than one that just focussed on the literature of environmental scanning .
18 This is against all the evidence , but it is a compelling image , and one that clearly derives from this present age in our history , which now has the Shakespeare it deserves : an old , sex-obsessed vagrant in the Forest of Dean , refusing to pay his Poll Tax .
19 The responsibility for this type of work is one that clearly falls on central government .
20 Erm , that can not be done overnight , and it 's one that clearly needs to be looked at and , and managed and the care needs as stated in that management .
21 For example , Trudgill ( 1986 : 18 ) draws attention to the reluctance of North of England speakers , for whom a long /a : / in dance is part of the Southern stereotype , to accommodate to this vowel , even though it is one that already exists in their system in words like half and dark .
22 It could be argued that the best way of dealing with attempted suicide would be to prevent its occurrence in the first place ; but this is not an easy task , and one that often extends beyond the reach of the clinician .
23 As Richard Baxter wrote in 1681 , ‘ Herbert speaks to God like one that really believeth in a God , and whose business in the world is most with God .
24 I must admit , that 's the one that always springs to mind bu was it Bamber ?
25 But modern boxing has a more sensitive audience , one that never goes to the arena but watches at home on the television .
26 The tramp clown is the one that usually appears in a circus with baggy trousers and overlarge shoes .
27 ‘ You know what I want to do — and I wanted to do it for Jimi 's birthday in his anniversary year , but it did n't happen — I want to get everybody that ever recorded with him , anybody who played live with him , get them all at a big reunion and go out and play Hendrix all night long — every song that I know , every song that we could possibly do .
28 This ranges all the way from a peace-at-any-price avoidance of anything that even looks like a conflict , to seeing a conflict as a sporting competition with one more opportunity to win .
29 About the size of a sixteen pounder , but infinitely lighter — in fact it had no weight at all — it stood in the heavens shining as white as anything that ever came into a television advertisement .
30 Observing that Tschudi can be shown to have made keyboards with ‘ skunktail ’ sharps ( quite exceptionally on the 1766 instruments for Frederick the Great ) , Dale rashly conjectures that the instrument seen in the Mercier portrait might be by Tschudi even though it bears no resemblance to the 1729 harpsichord or anything that subsequently emerged from the Meard Street or Great Pultney Street workshops .
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