Example sentences of "it kind [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It kind of built his confidence with each successive flask
2 It kind of wanted to tell me something .
3 It kind of was , but it was more that he was forced into that position .
4 That 's , well , it kind of lets my steam off a bit ; it does n't hurt , but she knows I mean business .
5 It 's like a recipe — you leave out this or that ingredient and it kind of tastes the same , but not exactly .
6 Andre Agassi ( above ) , equally well known for his sense of decorum , said : ‘ To be honest , it kind of irritated me a little bit .
7 It kind of sucks it out of wires and stuff .
8 I do n't know if you 've ever felt that , it kind of comes in totally f—ed up and there are people all around you guiding you and they 're bringing all my friends to me , y'know … ’
9 It kind of brought out the best in them .
10 Like it 's just so huge , it it kind of feels quite overwhelming to even begin to combat it !
11 Still , maybe it kind of takes some of the sport out of it .
12 ‘ And was n't it kind of them to leave the things to Anne and myself and the nice messages ? ’
13 It kind of keeps them .
14 And then it kind of calms down a wee bit .
15 It kind of broke the gloomy atmosphere . ’
16 I 'm not really worried about it to be honest I 'm not worried about any of them , I thought I would actually be erm I 'm actually , we 're under a lot of pressure at the moment but I 'm not actually , usually when I 'm like that it 's all gone I tend to say well forget about it and you know run away from it kind of thing ,
17 The er not a sore throat th you know , it 's there for a couple of days and then it kind of eases off , I think it 's getting better and then
18 And for me , it represents an opportunity to complete the kind of Freud-Darwin synthesis I 've been working on really , for the last ten years , and it kind of represents the completion of the synthesis , as it were now completely merged in my mind into a single , the single kind of entity that I , I know call psychoanalytic .
19 Everybody gets phone calls like that , unfortunately occasionally , but it kind of I went through a phase of it happening to me so I therefore had to change my phone number because it was er it was really unpleasant being woken er up by these calls .
20 So it kind of nursed this sparrow you see and got its wing bandaged up and whatnot .
21 I du n no it kind of figures does n't it or not ?
22 Now that 's , that 's a prediction that I think er you would n't make on the basis of the Freudian theory , but on the basis of my interpretation of it , it kind of follows .
23 It kind of builds Gandhi up into a great er figure , as it were , ignoring his feet of clay , erm , which he definitely had .
24 And just filled a net basket of eggs and put it down in the in the water and the water flowed through it kind of .
25 Well it does n't go up on the wall it , it kind of goes around so it 's not like public knowledge in there all the time .
26 this letter from erm that it kind of shows up .
27 Yeah , I mean , as long as it , as long as it kind of they know that it might change slightly after eleven .
28 and I 've only just started , still got two people outstanding so I 've got that forty pound and I put that into the building society and use that forty pounds for months see so it kind of like saved it for me , I 've managed , had to do without it
29 It kind of makes the problem more copable with apparently um .
30 I used to find it kind of funny .
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