Example sentences of "it be to see " in BNC.

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1 it does n't who 's responsibility would it be to see that the old brochures were withdrawn and the new brochures were put on in there place ?
2 Er I I suppose it 's to see how people use the English language .
3 It is to see whether , when someone pinches Rockall , we shall sail to replant the Union flag upon it , exclaiming ‘ Rejoice , rejoice , ’ as when we repossessed the likewise uninhabited South Georgia .
4 However , it is as naive to regard religious divisions as self-explanatory as it is to see nationalisms so .
5 How happy it is to see with what zeal and what promptitude all over the country the working population have exhibited their readiness to take advantage of the opportunities when once afforded them .
6 To taste it is to see something as strange and intangible as Rumi 's harvest of stars .
7 It 's as hard to do justice to the beauty of the Eternal City in a few words as it is to see everything in a few days .
8 thing through in this way and are ready to speak of being convinced of it is to see whether we can express it .
9 Welcome though it is to see such friendly typecasting , we should hope that the opening up of broadcasting to more gay representation will allow for greater diversity .
10 In Elizabeth 's third novel , A View of the Harbour ( 1947 ) , Beth , a novelist and the first artist to appear in her work , is a woman who seldom goes out of her house , and every time she does so , it is to see the world with the new vision of a convalescent .
11 What a thrill it is to see England against South Africa on 14th November , as the first match and , at the same time , not to have ticket availability restricted to two per club .
12 ‘ How good it is to see you , my son , ’ she told him .
13 ‘ How good it is to see you ! ’
14 The kestrel is our most common falcon , but what a delight it is to see it hunting in a natural habitat rather than at the edge of a motorway .
15 What a mouth-watering prospect it is to see Will Carling and Simon Halliday facing Jeremy Guscott and the emerging Phil de Glanville .
16 Any repairs or replacements or renewals of furnishings are noted on the cards , and they are constantly referred to by the housekeeping and maintenance departments , whose responsibility it is to see that the room is maintained to the required standard .
17 Great though it is to see you . ’
18 But , unless the proviso can be invoked , one must adopt the maxim that the more difficult ( short of impossibility ) is the defending advocate 's task , the more vital it is to see that he does not labour under an unfair disadvantage .
19 ‘ How difficult it is to see you as an enemy . ’
20 Re-equipment is now in progress , and the purpose of studying it is to see what practical lessons can be learned , which will be of value in future projects .
21 You see how hard it is to see just from the graph , from a , from
22 I reckon it 's advertising , that 's what it is to see whether people are mentioning certain products .
23 ‘ One woman , very articulate — from Jersey , I think — said how wonderful it was to see her husband ! ’
24 Endless cups of coffee helped a bit but what a relief it was to see the first pale streaks of dawn creeping across the sky .
25 When she opened her eyes , it was to see Stephen 's mother standing by the bed .
26 When he did come into the kitchen , it was to see Annie and the visitor tucking into tea and jam tarts .
27 HOW nice it was to see Selfridges open on Sunday .
28 They made friends with the families who stayed and who bought milk and eggs from them , and they said more than once how good it was to see the lights on across the river again .
29 When they came in sight of the house it was to see Ellen Jebeau standing on the terrace , and when Martin drew the horse to a standstill at the foot of the steps she was there to meet them .
30 And what a sight it was to see them day after day , night after night , huddled in corners , crowded around drinks machines , arguing and agreeing , debating and disclaiming .
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