Example sentences of "it 's worth " in BNC.

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1 It 's worth reading these two plays .
2 In cases where vegetables can be sheltered from a common pest by physical barriers , it 's worth gathering sowings together in one easily protected site .
3 It 's worth knowing about !
4 You 'll need grout too , plus a tile cutter , preferably heavy-duty type , especially if using quarry tiles ( Vitrex makes one which will cut wall and floor tiles ) ; and it 's worth investing in a tile file or saw if you anticipate a lot of fiddly cutting round pipes and similar obstacles , and a tile gauge if you have any really awkward shapes to tile around .
5 It 's worth hiring a heavyduty cutting jig if you have a lot of quarries to cut ; ordinary cutters are n't strong enough for the job .
6 In reality , if your pet is left with a small , beautifully-sutured wound , then all credit must go the skill of your veterinary surgeon and it 's worth remembering that , for the time and skill required , spaying is a very cheap and justifiable operation .
7 Later , to allow Eco to work in a chunk of St Bernard 's writings , Casaubon actually takes a piece of paper from his pocket and says , ‘ I brought this quotation with me , because it 's worth hearing … ’
8 I 'm not saying you may not lose a few good people but on balance it 's worth that sacrifice rather than pursue an enforced redundancy policy .
9 In many ways it 's worth the wait .
10 Although minerals are only present in minute quantities it 's worth remembering that when choosing your water .
11 If it has colour and patination and is not over-restored , it 's worth the money .
12 Your GP may be able to point you in the right direction , and it 's worth finding out if the psychology department of your local hospital takes referrals .
13 If you 're expecting trouble it 's worth consulting your doctor early as some treatments work best if started in advance .
14 ‘ This top takes a while to put on properly but it 's worth it in the end ’ Pepsi , far left
15 It 's worth considering three different kinds of freedom , for , put together , they may conjure up something of the stridency of the period .
16 It 's worth getting him involved .
17 If you opt instead to send relatives and friends money to spend as they wish on their children , it 's worth shopping around as costs differ considerably for the various methods .
18 If you opt instead to send relatives and friends money to spend as they wish on their children , it 's worth shopping around as costs differ considerably for the various methods .
19 If you opt instead to send relatives and friends money to spend as they wish on their children , it 's worth shopping around as costs differ considerably for the various methods .
20 It 's worth the risk ; you wo n't get caught unless you get a very alert conductor . ’
21 In fact , at this point it 's worth taking a pitchfork to that grossly over-rated entity — CAMP .
22 It 's worth a try , ’ he agreed , ‘ and if we can appeal to Sugden 's better nature we can work out a compromise . ’
23 We were just watching 4 What It 's Worth about all those people who go on holiday to the sunny Mediterranean , having booked a sea view , and come back with gastroenteritis from living over the dustbins and now want their money back , when Elinor came running up the garden path closely followed by Nigel .
24 It 's worth thinking about . ’
25 With DJs Fetisch , Frazer and Rob rocking in a Sugarhill style and sporadic bursts of break dancing from an enthusiastic crowd , it 's worth checking .
26 It 's worth it because it 's lovely when you 're in the water , you 're of equal status with everyone else , it 's nice to have the movement , to float around , unrestrained .
27 Sometimes , if you plan it , it 's worth not reporting a newsworthy event — but make sure the local press finds out casually after it 's over .
28 They all dole out three courses unless stated otherwise ; it 's worth taking a day off work to get the full benefit , allowing for recovery time .
29 You might take this with you on shopping trips to see whether it 's worth buying lots of cut-price special offers .
30 You wo n't like visiting Europa , as Von Sydow warns , but it 's worth making the journey .
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