Example sentences of "it is surely " in BNC.

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1 It is surely part of the ambiguity of his person , as well as of his work , whether ‘ priestly ’ or ‘ prophetic ’ .
2 It is surely not surprising that Ashton was similarly inspired .
3 It is surely no coincidence that while Mrs Donaldson proudly signs her own name , P A Newton sees fit to resort to the utterly immature tactic of hiding behind a transparently obvious alias .
4 Fascinating as this is , it is surely with relief that we return from thus checking printed source against printed source , cross-referring and tentatively identifying , to the open air of ‘ the roads of France ’ .
5 But the tide runs deeper than that , and it is surely at one with the desire to reassert the place of the human figure at the heart of all forms of creative life .
6 But it is surely silly to deny that it has thrown politicians and television journalists together in an association that remains totally invisible to the public .
7 And it is surely in keeping with the Kremlin 's efforts to win trust abroad , to remove once and for all an issue which intrudes into every high-level encounter with Sweden .
8 And wherever that comes from , it is surely a bad thing .
9 It is surely wrong to make unions police unofficial action which they have not endorsed . ’
10 There is an argument that treason is a more serious offence , since it strikes at the very foundations of the State and its social organizations , but treason is so rare that it is surely permissible to treat homicide as the most serious form of crime .
11 If there is no workable defence of insanity , it is surely wrong to convict a grossly disordered killer of murder when the less stigmatic offence of manslaughter is at hand .
12 Since the identity of one 's sexual partner may be assumed to be of fundamental significance , it is surely unjustified to give effect to this only where the mistake concerns whether the man is the woman 's husband ?
13 There might appear to be an argument in favour of consistency here , but it is surely eclipsed by the need to recognize that many children remain dependent on their parents until they are at least 18 .
14 And indeed , it is surely the case that menstruation is a profound event , the other side of ovulation , the balance to fertility as well as the mark of it .
15 It is currently in the hands of a young family and , with an asking price of £385,000 , it is surely not too extravagant a dream to hope it passes into the care of another one .
16 It is surely true that the combination of the television set 's growth into an essential item of domestic furniture in the 1950s and the winning personality and buccaneer play of Palmer gave the game an enormous stimulus .
17 The intriguing point is this : if the Germans really did land in East Anglia in 1940 , and there was an elaborate cover-up , it is surely inconceivable that Ealing would have been allowed by the censors to portray such an accurate reconstruction only two years later .
18 It is hard to imagine a finer production of Shaw 's most enjoyable play , and it is surely destined to become one of the National Theatre 's greatest successes .
19 The question Brenton appears to be asking , and it is surely as relevant to himself as to his characters , is how do you live after faith and hope have gone ?
20 It is surely not being excessively pompous to see this as one sign of a trivialisation of European civilisation , or to accept that there has been a catastrophic spiritual impoverishment of national life when a country such as our own , which once thought of itself as Christian , can for the most part simply ignore today 's commemoration of Christ 's passion and death .
21 But at the same time it is surely doing more than assert what God is not .
22 It is surely wrong to draw a line between the right of another to live or die .
23 ’ Alas ’ , she wrote , ‘ my power is , in this respect , very limited and it is surely the Emperor who is all powerful in this domain ( working for peace ) .
24 None the less , it is surely true that it will be difficult to reach firm conclusions from comparing experiments which , however similar they may be formally , use quite different subjects , stimuli , and training procedures .
25 It is surely a professional responsibility for all of us to think deeply about these things so that each of us may better strive towards attaining ‘ dignity ’ for ourselves .
26 It is surely only a matter of time before a tray falls from his hands on to a lady or gentleman 's lap .
27 It is surely significant that one of the greatest of these , Richard of Wallingford , Abbot of St Albans in the early fourteenth century ( see ch. 7 ) , was the son of a blacksmith .
28 Such an approach may demonstrate to the satisfaction of some that no crime is involved , but it is surely most unsatisfactory to rest the response of the law to what is seen as a testing moral and philosophical issue on some semantic sleight of hand .
29 It is surely unjustifiable not to provide optimal control of blood glucose in the rest of the diabetic population while the results of these studies are awaited , provided that the means of achieving optimal glycaemic control are acceptable to patients , free from undesirable effects and not unduly expensive .
30 The challenge to the teacher is how to avoid that happening : it will test the ingenuity of the most imaginative , but of all the challenges , it is surely the most important .
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