Example sentences of "it [was/were] someone " in BNC.

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1 She heard herself say , as if it were someone else : ‘ What is it you want from life , Christopher ?
2 Then she thought , hard and suddenly as if it were someone else 's thought , I 'm in love with someone who 's not Anne .
3 I could write as if it was someone else … ’
4 Evidently Hatton got a hundred when he was personally involved , fifty when it was someone else to be knocked on the head and left in a ditch .
5 ‘ Maybe it was someone else in the car . ’
6 It 's like it was someone else .
7 Or suppose it was someone mean , or even cruel , and brutal ?
8 ft was strange then , all these things were happening , and the thing was , sometimes you did n't hear about them until much later , even if it was someone you were used to seeing all the time .
9 Usually it was someone congratulating us on having won a free dancing lesson or test drive ; but there were quite a few grumpy wrong numbers , which made us feel at home .
10 The words sounded fine but it was someone else 's story .
11 He moved him a little and saw from his face that it was someone else .
12 ‘ I was afraid it was someone else . ’
13 Image ‘ I would n't mind if it was someone I respected as a player and a hard-man .
14 When I was a kid ( Moran was born in 1965 ) I knew the name , I knew it was someone scary , but I did n't really know anything about the story or how exactly wild things really were . ’
15 Not only is it an American plane that is responsible for the dreadful situation in which we find ourselves , but it was someone in America who was ultimately responsible .
16 ‘ He 's escaped from prison , ’ Hari said quickly , ‘ but he had n't done anything , it was someone else who cheated and lied and Craig was the one to take the blame . ’
17 ‘ Of course at first I just thought it was someone from a boat that had been driven in by the weather .
18 Maybe it was someone who had no personality ?
19 It was someone she had been to bed with .
20 ‘ The blow fell with the merciless swiftness of all misfortune ’ it was someone else 's line , a client 's presumably .
21 I was walking in the fields , I do n't know who I was with , but it was someone I liked very much , a man .
22 It flashed through my mind that it was someone who was allowed out in the grounds of Bourani and down at Moutsa only on pain of keeping herself concealed .
23 ‘ He said it was someone out of his past .
24 At one time I thought Tatyana may have done it , but now I have evidence it was someone else . ’
25 I assumed it was someone in the police or customs . ’
26 I certainly would n't do a portrait unless it was someone I 'd really like to do .
27 ‘ Only if , ’ said Connon slowly , ‘ only if it was someone she knew well . ’
28 It was someone else speaking , not her own voice , surely … ?
29 Twice , with a thump , she spotted him , in the set of a man 's shoulders , the tilt of a head , a patch of uniform , then found it was someone else .
30 ‘ You think it was someone on Charlie 's client list ? ’
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