Example sentences of "it [det] happen " in BNC.

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1 and it all happens each moment
2 It all happens at the George Robey , opposite Finsbury Park tube station , and the doors are open at 8pm .
3 My purpose was to see if I could write a novel with only two characters , preserving the unities of time , place and action ( it all happens in one day in John 's London flat ) , without any cheating through long flashbacks or such devices .
4 I went along to the surgery of Rother Valley MP Peter Hardy , who was resident in one of the safest Labour seats in the country , and despite all that had gone before he was able to say , ‘ This has nothing to do with the people around here — it all happens in London ’ .
5 It all happens later in Spain .
6 There are many interesting facets of this complex diagnostic process and three are worthy of re-emphasis : firstly most of his information comes not from positive signals , stimuli or cues but from their absence , secondly he is relying on a hybrid model — a mixture of rules , mental pictures and symbolism , thirdly it all happens without very much conscious guidance — one mental or physical event leads to another and each event in the chain plays its part before handing over to the next one .
7 Yeah , it 's it 's it 's the build up to it as well , there 's a lot of excitement , I mean , most people it takes about six months to build up to the big day , and then finally it 's there and it all happens and , I think that makes it a lot , exciting for a lot of women .
8 Number three , he 's not very far behind the other chap , same distance when it all happens .
9 It all happens when the star gets very , very old … ’
10 It all happens so fast .
11 It all happens very quickly , like a sleight of hand .
12 And it all happens through one man and his family of seven .
13 It all happens , ’ Maisie said , ‘ after his Occultation .
14 In the flick of a tail , it all happens .
15 Two and a half minutes later … it all happens
16 It all happens at Newbury ; pregnancies that is .
17 God it all happens in your bathroom does n't it ?
18 ‘ That I simply allow it all to happen .
19 For his part , the President stood with the rest of the politburo on the mausoleum of the man who made it all happen — Lenin — and took the salute at the military and civilian parade through Red Square .
20 The way he tells it I feel I am right there on the spot watching it all happen . ’
21 That 's also the area which is growing fastest and it 's also the area where increasingly it 's DHSS funding that 's making it all happen .
22 He reckons that if he were getting paid on the same basis that he gets paid for GP beds , in a small GP unit , he could afford to employ the additional staff , and resources and back-up to help make it all happen .
23 ‘ I soon learnt what made it all happen … what got you in the mood , eh Bella ?
24 ‘ I saw it all happen , ’ said Seymour-Strachey , leaning forward in a burst of confidentiality and exposing a set of amazingly white teeth .
25 PAUL STEWART is now a 2.3 million midfield player at Liverpool but he is the first to admit it needed a referee 's red card to make it all happen .
26 One of those who saw it all happen was a young actress called Sheila Hancock .
27 As well as admiring a variety of modern and more traditional pieces , the Queen met many of the sculptors and was also introduced to some of the people who had worked behind the scenes to make it all happen .
28 And the man who 's made it all happen is Glenn Hoddle … for him Wembley … a big match is nothing new … or is it
29 It all happened so quickly — sometimes I think it may have been too quickly .
30 Her son has taken her up in his hang-glider ( can you carry two on a hang-glider ? ) , and she recalls her life and loves as she sails over the old family farm and the nearby manganese factory where it all happened .
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