Example sentences of "it [vb past] towards " in BNC.

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1 It was my experience that seldom did the more senior of his element — and there were many of them — fit into the operational set-up , more especially as it got towards the end of the war .
2 Tallis , huddled in her furs , watched this naked apparition as it stalked towards her .
3 The white Gulfstream One executed a perfect landing but it was only when it taxied towards them that Whitlock saw the blue , red and white Zimbalan flag painted on the side of the fuselage with the words ‘ Air Zimbala ’ above it in black lettering .
4 The animal seemed to understand Sir John 's words for it lunged towards him with a strangled growl ; its top lip curled , showing teeth as sharp as a row of daggers .
5 A long throw on the Leeds left went into the box , someone got a head to it and it looped towards the far post .
6 It crept towards the table where breakfast was laid , and it had the demeanour of a creature that was n't loved and yet must survive .
7 It crept towards her mouth , inch by inch .
8 Somewhere , across the green , a car changed gear as it moved towards Lulling , and hummed away into nothingness .
9 Erm but f what it moved towards was them recognizing that they could sort out their own problems , and perhaps sort out each others .
10 It moved towards the door , aspect changing moment by moment .
11 It does not require a great deal of imagination to accept that the unit of physical matter could be the product of a ‘ good ’ event if it contributed towards the desired end of a happy human race , but it does require a measure of mental effort to accept that each unit of ‘ good ’ produced a corresponding unit contributing towards God , that is , a unit of Godliness .
12 So must a butterfly feel as it rose towards the sun , so must a bumble bee feel as it slipped from nectar.filled flower to flower , so must Matthew 's foal as it gambolled beside its mother .
13 All that destructive force — and all of it directed towards her .
14 All in a flurry of dust it came towards her and then she heard Ferdinando shout her name and the neighing of the horse as it was pulled in and she trembled as she opened her eyes and looked up .
15 Bob Rafelson had been toiling with Nicholson 's friend and associate Carol Eastman on a script for a new film and as it came towards completion , they began to see it as a perfect vehicle for BBS to capitalize on its success with Easy Rider .
16 The lion turned , jaws slavering , eyes ablaze with fury and Corbett flinched as it came towards him , belly crouched , its tail twitching , its hind legs tense , then it sprang .
17 Had it been a real train the sound would have faded off towards the west — away from the hostel instead , and we could now hear the engine as well ; it came towards the hostel over the non-existent harbour branch and clattered to a stop , perhaps at one of the wharves .
18 It came towards her steadily .
19 He was leaning down , his spear arm back , the gleaming bronze blade wavering as it came towards her .
20 And it happened towards the end of a lunch or dinner .
21 The door was wide open , but it opened towards the harpsichord , and the end of one of the bookshelves blocked the view through the crack .
22 Herluin had sensibly refrained from playing any part in the affair , once it turned towards the partial restoration of Ramsey 's credit and the grievous embarrassment of Shrewsbury .
23 Then it turned towards them .
24 It turned towards the roof .
25 Every second it was growing louder , and suddenly it was no longer a small wind , it was a fearsome swooshing whooshing whiffling snorting noise that sounded as though some gigantic creature was breathing heavily through its nose as it galloped towards him .
26 It galloped towards the boy in silence , swinging a thorn bush from its arm .
27 As it trundled towards Wandsworth , Ginny thought about Christmas .
28 It scampered towards the cat door that would give it access to the bigger house at the end of the row , but suddenly it stopped .
29 Clawing at the substance of the dark , it wriggled towards the Gateway , squeezing its eternal purpose into the elongated bulb of its lizard brain .
30 Fortunately he managed to duck out of the way of a lump of glass as it speared towards his neck .
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