Example sentences of "[indef pn] ['s] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is in nobody 's interest for consumers to supply false information when seeking credit , or to try to take on more credit than they can manage . ’
2 Everyone 's copy of Windows is likely to be slightly different ; we set the cursor blink speed to different rates , use different wallpaper , printers and so on .
3 Everyone 's guide to tulips , daffodils and lilies ; August 1 Focusing on the splendour of camellias , rhododendrons and magnolias ;
4 How one reconstructed a dinosaur might depend upon one 's views of relationships between reptiles and birds ; and indeed with the coming of cladistics , taxonomy based on descent , this is still a live issue , though there is now general agreement that Iguanodon stood on its hind legs .
5 Such awareness becomes important in helping clarify one 's place in society and , thus , one 's relationship to others in that society .
6 They are taught what our moral philosophy calls ‘ the other-regarding virtues ’ , those that enable one to take responsibility for one 's actions towards others ( see Overing 1985 ) .
7 But from the perspective of constructivism — which is a general theory of how cognisance is possible and how it develops — the immediate ‘ information-processing ’ shortcomings that lead to the failure to relate one 's actions to objects is not relevant .
8 Much of that worth depends , as it does for the teacher cited above , on recognition and status given to one 's work by others .
9 Previously one 's knowledge of stars comes from the light that comes in in the optical range and the visible range , or in perhaps the ultra violet if you can put a satellite above the atmosphere .
10 Is one 's grip of things to be always so fickle ?
11 True beliefs are n't generally better than false ones in any moral sense : there is usually nothing morally wrong about being mistaken in one 's beliefs about matters of fact .
12 Sometimes there is , especially when one has to act on one 's beliefs in ways that affect other people .
13 It is also because it is a well-written , intensely moving story which shows that MPs can and do achieve things , that true love can and does exist , and which restores one 's faith in politicians at a time such restoration is badly needed .
14 It was strange how Hank had a way of withdrawing from one 's company at times , just as if he had forgotten one was there .
15 He told her that being firm , sticking to one 's guns in situations of this kind , always paid off .
16 SHEAN DORL Gazing at one 's reflection for reasons other than vanity
17 And allied to this are concerns about ‘ not getting the results ’ and about one 's reputation with colleagues in general , and especially with the senior staff whose opinion can make or break a career .
18 Time to turn one 's thoughts to matters of a more intellectual calibre .
19 Should Gatting and his crew receive their paroles one 's sympathy for refuseniks like Rob Bailey can only heighten .
20 For some weeks now , Rusty had been in that peculiarly unreal state when words leap out from pages , voices or one 's own thoughts , and rudely rattle their bones about , or shove their meanings under one 's nose like exhibitionists until the meanings themselves vanish in a dance of death .
21 One must be realistic in one 's promises to patients in respect of their admission to hospital for non-life threatening operations .
22 Commercialism was not a quality she rated highly , but protection of one 's children from outsiders was .
23 The persistent conviction that one should model one 's house on houses superior to it is further emphasized by the popular practice of country house visiting .
24 As far as equities are concerned , and depending on one 's view of developments , selection might focus on stocks likely to benefit from falling interest rates such as Michelin , Rhone Poulenc and Pechiney , and those benefiting from reflationary measures in the economy , such as Bouygues .
25 To think clearly is to organize one 's speech into sentences and paragraphs ; sentences and paragraphs into sections and chapters ; sections and chapters into a coherent draft report , ready for submission .
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