Example sentences of "[indef pn] [vb past] to be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 THE phrase ‘ come off it ’ , usually directed at someone believed to be lying , began life in late 19th-Century America as ‘ come off the side ’ .
2 Nothing seemed to be moving on the road itself , though Sharpe supposed the French must have some skirmishers concealed in the fields of long rye .
3 Then , as nothing seemed to be happening , her mother took her home again .
4 The country was at war and yet nothing seemed to be happening ; everything looked so peaceful .
5 Nothing seemed to be happening , all his senses were apparently functioning normally , except … that the sweet in his mouth seemed permeated with the awful smell ; had become a slimy lump of filth .
6 He wanted to move , to step back , but nothing seemed to be happening .
7 When nothing seemed to be happening , he yanked it open .
8 The management ref refused to talk all the time and after a while it just got depressing , the fact that nothing seemed to be happening .
9 This use appears therefore to depict the support of the infinitive as entering into the actualization phase of an event from a prior position in time when nothing seemed to be militating in favour of its occurrence .
10 There were no forks , and everyone seemed to be using either his fingers or a knife .
11 There were bodies everywhere and everyone seemed to be screaming and crying .
12 Everyone seemed to be talking about Verveine creations as being ‘ the thing ’ .
13 CELLULOID RECORDS was one of those insanely annoying New York labels where everyone seemed to be making records based on weird theories and somehow all the records were great .
14 During 1992 , everyone seemed to be Doing It , though generally not with their partners .
15 I learned a lot about books , but what I will remember most is the happy way everyone seemed to be working together , and the obvious warmth of fellowship . ’
16 Tonight , everyone seemed to be waiting .
17 Everyone seemed to be waiting for her reaction , and she saw that Tom , in particular , was observing her narrowly .
18 Well no not really because erm it , it was a private company as you can understand er , I can I ca n't really explain it everyone seemed to be pulling together you know that was the last thing you thought of , fifth columnists , things like that although it was they used to er , every now and again they used to send government national service officers round to look at the personnel and the structure of the working and if they thought anybody was superfluous to requirements they 'd get the papers soon after to go into the army or the services yeah , yeah , that is true and that happened , used to happen in factories all round the area , it was called the Essential Works Order .
19 Everyone seemed to be avoiding Nick .
20 It did occur to me that since everyone seemed to be playing a game with rules unknown to me , Robert might not be concerned only that I would be bored by myself , but he might want me to go with him for reasons of his own .
21 None seemed to be patrolling the curtain walls .
22 There was the usual sniping , but no one seemed to be bothering too much .
23 She told me no one seemed to be wearing jumpers with the car 's name on them , so I made her one without charge .
24 No one seemed to be looking for it .
25 No one seemed to be paying much attention to the backgrounds .
26 They said the light moved in just the way this one seemed to be doing .
27 Somebody or something seemed to be trying to speak to her but she felt cut off like a prisoner in a sound-proof box .
28 Everything seemed to be moving in fast forward , yet she was darting lightly between the moments like a Rigelian sylph .
29 The enchanting atmosphere of the Mnarja festival , the moonlit night , the lights and laughter in the darkness of the woods … everything seemed to be conspiring to demolish her composure .
30 Around the knot of his stomach , everything seemed to be shaking .
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