Example sentences of "[indef pn] [modal v] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It is one of Robin Child 's primary aims that everyone should learn to be visually literate , to learn to read a picture as they would a book .
2 ‘ I 'm not saying everyone should try to be this slim , ’ she hastens to add .
3 Someone would need to be a genius to get that pile of rust going ; you forgot to mention it was a complete and utter wreck — I 'm surprised it got you this far ! ’
4 Aggie had taken her hat and coat off and had dropped on to the settle , and as he entered the room she said immediately , ‘ Somethin' will have to be … ’ but paused as Millie came in on Ben 's heels , and she nodded towards her saying , ‘ Go and take your things off and set the tray . ’
5 Amazing how someone can appear to be so confident and clear-headed on the outside , while — Moira is an excellent nurse , quite capable of hiding her real self when she needs to .
6 Nobody would want to be seen crawling to or even making sycophantic noises with Morrissey , of all people .
7 Then if you both want to go to the hospital you ca n't somebody will have to be either graciously accept to go over and get the bedroom sorted
8 Escalating crime figures prove that nobody can afford to be complacent about security .
9 I 'm always willing to stand down if somebody can claim to be a little older .
10 When all the trees are the full height of the canopy , all are approximately equally exposed to the sun , and none could afford to be any shorter .
11 It is quite sufficient to find something of which the individual concerned is proud — however small and seemingly insignificant that something may appear to be .
12 Then after half a year we get the tapes and they go back and we say that something may have to be changed .
13 This may be quite legitimate in cases where it is possible to use one module with any one or more modules , all of which may be referred to in loose coupling relations but only one may need to be called up from within the package .
14 Once this alienation had set in , it was inevitable that , as in our day , the loved one should come to be regarded — at least by the conscious mind — as no more than a body to be disposed of as quickly and hygienically as possible .
15 ( Jan 21-Feb 19 ) Jupiter and Neptune are challenged by the Sun in Libra and everything must seem to be out of focus at the moment , if not a bit unreal .
16 One might learn to be glad
17 I would argue , however , that there is a difference between what one might consider to be reasonable use by passenger traffic during the day , and the disturbances that might arise from that , and the use of the line at night by heavy goods traffic .
18 ( iv ) In many sections , Nietzsche 's points are not presented in what one might take to be their natural order .
19 Grading is a method of achieving a shorthand synthesis of every possible quality that one might wish to be included in a profile , consolidated into a symbol which examiners understand pragmatically with reference to a platonic point of reference existing in the minds of a group of examiners who have worked together , while a profile , however detailed , can never be more than an attempt to put down all those qualities .
20 Most meditatively — remember Drury Lane , he murmured , and , his favourite whip and spur , ‘ Attack , boy , attack ! ’ — so meditatively that no one could fail to be impressed by the inner preoccupation of the handsome gentleman in Hessian boots who ruminated across the turf , he paced a slow , measured entrance to the very central point of the circle without once raising his gaze from the earth or his head from the cusp of a hand which supported its pensive load .
21 They are the last people on earth one could imagine to be dancers .
22 No one would pretend to be Jamie again , no one would get hurt .
23 Otherwise there is a danger that the phrase will be used merely symbolically , to create the illusion of change , to deflect criticism , or to discredit opposition ( because no one would want to be seen to oppose ‘ the child 's best interests ’ ) .
24 The heads of the metatarsals were fused , which one would expect to be accomplished by nineteen years , but fusion had not taken place in the secondary pelvic centres .
25 For another thing , areas that one would expect to be homologous on the basis of their connections appear totally different in other ways .
26 Churchmen , whom one would expect to be most militant about the matter , responded with anything from sceptical but unsurprised indifference to outright endorsement .
27 The most noteworthy cases are those which one would expect to be pleonastic , but are not .
28 One of the many unusual facets of Hannah Hauxwell is her reaction to certain situations which would daunt much more apparently sophisticated people and which one would expect to be overwhelming for a simple soul from the back of beyond , such as meeting , on level terms some of the famous and mighty , or appearing in front of milling crowds and even standing up to address them .
29 Well unfortunately we were scheduled to have a meeting erm something like ten days ago and then two or three of the key people had to drop out so I cancelled the meeting because obviously we want the people there who were going to actually get the thing up and running so that we can formulate a first public meeting and I would like erm , you know , now , to establish a working party but again a number of the people who one would expect to be on it are not here and it 's slightly awkward .
30 It is in fact a moot point whether one would expect to be able to classify all flows as either turbulent or non-turbulent — or , equivalently , whether during transition to turbulence one should be able to designate the point at which turbulent motion begins .
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