Example sentences of "[indef pn] [pron] [vb past] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One regular was just thankful there was someone who spent more time in the pub than him .
2 In Mrs Margaret Thatcher British women have a real-life example of someone who took this advice .
3 Whites who did n't know him , yet condemned him with borrowed certainty as someone who had little interest in cricket beyond its utility as a stick to beat the apartheid policy with , were typical of the society I came from .
4 And that being an intelligent man you planned the murder to divert any suspicion from yourself to someone who had some sort of grudge against Brian Harley or Derek Jefferson . ’
5 After his first flush of self-congratulation for seducing someone who held such power in the hospital hierarchy , doubts had quickly set in .
6 If we met someone who held this view he might justify it by saying something like : ‘ I prefer travelling by motor car from Oxford to Westminster , let's say , or from — ’ Where do you live ?
7 If she mentioned his name in any circle , however jaded it was by gossip , there was always somebody who had some titbit about him .
8 It only remains for me to thank everyone who made this year both a pleasure and a challenge for me .
9 ‘ I promise you , sir , that we shall interview everyone you saw this afternoon .
10 I told you everything I did that afternoon but I did n't bother to mention I fell asleep .
11 It was the only one I knew this morning like , so fifty miles an hour he said to me He said to me , he said to me turn left at the roundabout there was only one that was marked on the floor , only one an actual erm roundabout with concrete and I drove straight over it
12 The one I saw this week at Hillier 's Arboretum , Ampfield , near Winchester , was already on the turn , with leaves orange and scarlet amidst clusters of large red haws , much bigger than those you find on wild hawthorns .
13 This is the cheesy one I bought some beetroot the other day , they had some nice little ones , which I must cook , they were ever so cheap , I 've forgotten how cheap but you know they were really cheap
14 And Sam says , ‘ Well , in the first one I liked this moment , and in the second I liked this . ’
15 If managers say that they gain their vision and their pragmatic skill informally and from diverse sources , if they see their own development as something which took many years and came from a wide range of contexts , it is unlikely that a short-term substitute can be found which will fit into either the narrow limits of brief in-service training courses , year-long secondments or part-time study in higher education .
16 As he looked at her , slumped awkwardly in sleep , he tried without success to put his finger on that indefinable something which made this girl so totally English .
17 Wayne knew how finicky she could be about place and mood , but this plan was one which had all objections beaten before they could even be raised .
18 Until some genius does so , controversies like the one which surrounded this year 's Mildmay Course at Aintree , are bound to crop up from time to time .
19 It would have been impossible to predict the way events developed after October 1917 , and the policy of the Party seemed on numerous grounds to be the most sensible , the only one which went some way to reconciling the need for large economic units ( which , rightly or wrongly , was assumed to be decisive for material progress ) and for democracy , understood as the right of peoples to choose their own State .
20 The spectacle last week of 400 officers in riot gear running round the Broadwater Farm Estate and finding little or nothing in the way of drugs reminded me of Sir Robert Mark 's definition of a good police force as one which employed fewer criminals than it caught .
21 The process was very gradual , but the evolution from an essentially contractual relationship between king and magnates to one which acknowledged some form of sovereignty ( superioritas ) had taken place by the end of the thirteenth century .
22 Secondly , the pooling system for higher education expenditure amongst local authorities was one which protected those authorities in which the newly-designated polytechnics happened to be situated .
23 Tolstoy clearly appealed to him as a great apostle of non-violence , and one who enabled all votaries of ahi sā to realize and understand that non-violence involved not only the negative attitude of freedom from anger and hate but also the positive attitude of love for all men .
24 Then she said , ‘ The woman you knew , the one who ran this place , you wo n't find her . ’
25 One who saw both camps preparing for the talks says : ‘ It was all arranged so that Diana could stay more or less on her terms .
26 One who attended these meetings described Hinchley as ‘ an enthusiast , obviously highly strung , quick in thought and rapid in speech , as though his overfilled brain could scarcely get rid of the thoughts and ideas quickly enough — sensitive to a hostile audience but quick to respond to a friendly one ’ .
27 There was logic in this distinction ; for if the duties of a vassal were such as Fulbert defined them , then in fulfilling them the fidelis whose estates were close to those of his lord would have to make many sacrifices , while for one who lived several days ' journey away , not making a nuisance of himself would be a relatively painless matter .
28 No one who played that day will ever forget it .
29 No one who witnessed these debates has ever suggested that Lewis played fair .
30 The one who left this week ? ’
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