Example sentences of "[indef pn] [verb] [prep] it [coord] " in BNC.

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1 But nothing came of it and he is still kicking his heels at Bramall Lane after drawing a blank in his summer quest to find a new club .
2 I said we 'd better go home and check and so we drove down to and as I got there , so the bus comes up , so it looked pretty but I thought well I 'd better check so I followed it back up and nobody got off it and
3 If we only opened a door partly er there is room for somebody to hide behind it and then when we go into the room then we would encounter problems .
4 I ca n't see them two paying out for somebody to look after it and I can not really I can not Seasons , well what you got on today ?
5 Each innovation , shift , or novel project — even the noncontroversial and apparently desirable ones — requires somebody getting behind it and pushing , especially when things get difficult , as they always do when change is involved .
6 Concerning the current strike he declared ‘ AFPFL originally had nothing to do with it but now they were backing it and he was finding difficulty in restraining some of his party from adding fuel to the fire . ’
7 The official regatta has virtually nothing to do with it but it does give farmers with riverside frontage an extra source of income … which has reached six figures , although not this year .
8 has got nothing to do with it but she 's working an extra two and a half hours a week and getting half an hour off , you know I mean you , in all
9 Anyway they questionedme and realised I had nothing to do with it and I got a letter saying I was completely innocent and apologising profusely
10 I think that 's an extremely good point actually , because of course , when one thinks about it and looks at it , there are many many things which are happening in today 's world which are disasters .
11 I ca n't agree a solution with our officers that is acceptable to the residents I represent and I put it to this council to try and get something done about it and all I get from the chairman of the committee is the officer 's comments pushed back down my throat .
12 He wanted something done about it and even asked for a move .
13 It is not so much that the stuff itself is pink ( the stuff itself is chartreuse , as a matter of fact ) but that everything connected with it and surrounding it is : its packaging , its bottle-top , the invitations and programmes for its launch at the Opéra-Comique — its vie , if you like , is en rose .
14 True , the recession has something to do with it but far more important was lack of snow .
15 One might be forgiven for thinking that the bishops ’ letter had something to do with it and that Haughey was intent on constructing an alliance between those heeding the teaching of the hierarchy and the party faithful .
16 She 's open-minded , and a single parent : maybe that has something to do with it and with me not having a husband it made it easier for her to come in and see me sometimes .
17 Yeah he had something to do with it and we 're gon na have thirty four trees .
18 In England a debutante of 1957 , Anne Browning , looked back on her season in Dance Little Lady in similar terms : ‘ If there was sex in the bushes , no one knew about it and it certainly was n't the accepted thing .
19 But er , know I , I do n't think I ever heard anybody think about it or say anything about a , an air raid like , you know .
20 Already it seemed that the wedding was to be an ending and nothing lay beyond it but a prospect as vague and as shadowy as one of Robert 's landscapes .
21 If everybody fills a particular item in round about the middle or if everybody agrees with it or everybody disagrees with it , it 's not telling you very much as it were , according to the usual of attitude scale construction anyway .
22 ‘ When the show started everybody jumped on it and picked up on the things that were n't working .
23 There is nothing left for it but to lie its head off until Polling Day is past …
24 There was nothing left of it but these things , as with cries of animal passion they allowed the storm that had brewed around them all summer to reach its thunderous climax .
25 THE government 's emergency food programme , according to a joke doing the rounds in Havana , is like God ; everyone talks about it but nobody can see it .
26 Within a few months of reaching its greatest height , nothing remained of it but a heap of rubble .
27 Eventually , the Cypriot king dispensed with our services and we had nothing to show for it but our clothes , horses , armour , and the wounds of battle .
28 I 'd like to ask something , I do n't know if it 's got anything to do with it or not , but it really annoyed me yesterday .
29 He never said well are you anything to do with it or nothing .
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