Example sentences of "to loss of " in BNC.

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1 Superimposed upon this will be a general decline in performance due to loss of sleep and fatigue .
2 Sticking to an existing timetable scarcely amounts to loss of German interest .
3 He says : ‘ Dwindling belief in redemption and damnation has led to loss of fear of the eternal consequences of goodness and badness .
4 Part of Miller 's next letter , 12 January 1758 , has already been quoted ( p. 80 ) with regard to loss of specimens at sea and this was regrettable as his Hortus siccus contained nearly ten thousand specimens and he wished to make it as complete as possible .
5 Worldwide , indeed , ‘ exotic ’ species introduced by human beings have become a major cause of extinctions : probably second in importance only to loss of habitat .
6 The same economic and social conditions in the plains area might have led only to loss of soil fertility but not to wholesale soil erosion and environmental collapse .
7 Secondary infection with other bacteria sometimes occurs and there may be widespread tissue destruction leading to loss of the penis in some cases .
8 It leads to loss of vegetation cover , loss of topsoil by wind or water erosion , or loss of useful plant production as a result of salinization or excessive sedimentation associated with sand dunes , sand sheets or torrents .
9 In Galloway , for example , the reduced breeding performance of golden eagles is considered to be directly related to afforestation due to loss of open moorland which is their main feeding area .
10 After all , we have a similar journey to make next year and the experience can have important effects on the teachers involved — leading , in some cases perhaps , to loss of enthusiasm and morale , though more often .
11 loss of confidence leading to loss of libido
12 Sloppy attitudes towards this topic quickly result in a careless approach which is vulnerable to loss of margins and , ultimately , overall financial control .
13 Lack of confidence in some of the basic traditional values leading to loss of direction and/or discontent .
14 Deforestation results in the already poor soil becoming virtually infertile , due to loss of topsoil .
15 Bacterial infections are usually the result of poor water quality and may lead to loss of tail and finnage , along with ulcers and gill damage .
16 This had been attributed to loss of chain tension .
17 Where illness leads to loss of sight , speech or hearing it diminishes an individual 's ability to make use of counselling assistance .
18 One may perhaps contrast this with the other common mental illness of old age , depression , in which loss , in many forms , from bereavement to loss of role and status , may reasonably be thought to play a part .
19 This was partly due to loss of employment or employment prospects but , as indicated above , they may begin to accept ‘ being a nobody and start acting in a way that confirms the label …
20 This is something that can not be taken for granted , as with the best will in the World , even the most expert goldfish keeper will suffer equipment failures etc. in his or her absence which can , during hot weather for example , lead to loss of fish or triggering off disease .
21 Also , when you deprive your body of food , it prefers to derive the energy it needs from your muscle tissue as well as your fat stores — therefore any weight loss can be put down to loss of lean muscle , not just flab !
22 In broad and generalised terms , visual defects give rise to loss of clear vision , loss of central vision , or loss of peripheral vision , the visual field may be reduced or interrupted .
23 It is unlikely that these deficits are due to loss of a neural mechanism dedicated to brightness discrimination .
24 Neither wants any kind of school-district consolidation , a dreaded policy leading to loss of local control .
25 The mutation Thr37 to Ala results in large reductions in affinity and repression efficiency , presumably owing to loss of cooperativity resulting from destabilization of the protein-protein contact between repressors .
26 NCR Ltd is warning its UK workforce that it will have to make about 8% of them redundant , leading to loss of 150 to 160 jobs in nearly all areas of the company .
27 MacGregor , who was taking his dismissal philosophically , admitted to loss of confidence in his leadership .
28 The prince said he would do so only at the head of an army of 60,000 men ; the parlement pronounced him a contumacious vassal , and sentenced him to loss of the duchy .
29 It is unlikely that the ( insignificantly ) lower incidence of hypoglycaemia with human insulin in our study was due to loss of awareness and therefore reduced detection of hypoglycaemia because the incidence of severe and biochemical hypoglycaemic episodes did not differ for the two insulin species on routine monitoring .
30 Tendinitis ( constriction of the nerve tissues caused by over development of arm muscles , leading to loss of feeling in the hands ) is a regular paddock malady .
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