Example sentences of "to some extent " in BNC.

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1 None of that would of course be comprehensible to Moss and McGrindle , he wrote , to Pizzetti and Baiocchi , to Goldman and Goldstein , though Goldberg , to his credit , has had an inkling , has to some extent faced the thought that he might be wasting his whole life , for that 's what it comes down to in the end , he wrote , wasting a whole life when something useful might have been salvaged , something valuable perhaps , it is the refusal of those alternatives that occasionally makes one shiver .
2 The aim of this report is not to demand that brewers turn the block back to 1620 , 1720 , 1820 or even to 1920 ; pubs have to make money , and have to adapt to some extent to changing needs and expectations .
3 Taking up residence in Colchester went very well — though I was a bit surprised to find that the ‘ de-skilling ’ process mentioned by the resettlement officer had indeed affected me to some extent .
4 To some extent these academic outsiders are ‘ the enemy ’ of police society , whose training and class aspirations makes them supporters of the status quo and resentful of liberal ideas or academic intrusion ( Reiner 1978a ) .
5 It was during this time that he was invited to the discussions of the CIV/n group , a gathering of poets of the more serious sort — and to some extent inspired by Ezra Pound 's revitalising energies , even as its name was culled from his writings — who had just launched a new poetry magazine of that name .
6 To some extent the heroes and heroines of classical ballet also use occupational gesture when they indicate hores riding , hunting , lute-playing and singing .
7 To some extent the same idea of an onlooker applies to that of Jaeger , the critic in Enigma Variations .
8 This , I believe , is against the law , but it is a law that deserves to be broken , for it is the puritanical nonsense of excluding children — and therefore to some extent , women — from pubs that has turned these places into mere boozing-shops instead of the family gathering-places that they ought to be . ’
9 Which one to use depends , to some extent , upon the appearance which you wish to achieve , which may be an oiled or waxed appearance , a high gloss , satin or matt finish , and on what is being finished .
10 The graduate in English was to be to some extent a scholar , in so far as he or she had a sense of the past and the capacity to understand literature in its historical contexts , particularly linguistic ; beyond that , what was looked for was wide reading , an appreciation of masterpieces , and a capacity to write well , attend to evidence , and disentangle sense from nonsense in argument .
11 There is also a suspicion in some circles that the campaign is to some extent driven by a form of ‘ closet unionism ’ ; a motive the Belfast campaigners attribute freely to their Tory counterparts .
12 Universities attract this kind of attitude , as , to some extent , does the campus novel , a brand of fiction which is probably the closest English departments have previously come to industrial production .
13 Having sacrificed his career , in a way , for this mission , he talks as though he means to continue with it , of returning again and again to the theme that the stable family is the means of prosperity and , to some extent , happiness .
14 After 10 years , the cocaine trade has joined , and to some extent displaced , the traditional elite class .
15 Meanwhile , China , East Germany 's biggest ally , had to step up patrols along its border with Hong Kong after creating , to some extent , its own refugee problem .
16 ‘ That was true of Mussolini and Hitler above all ; and to some extent of Reagan , you see .
17 Therefore , it is the very ordinariness of the RUC 's policing in Easton which is surprising and provides the greatest disjuncture with public imagery rather than the fact that it contradicts , to some extent , the formal regimen of the police manual or the bureaucratic ethos of police management .
18 To some extent the difference between this view and the developmental approach is one of semantics : the term ‘ global company ’ does not mean the same to each .
19 In order to circumvent this bias to some extent , let us first burrow beneath this middle level to look at grass-roots religious sentiment which for the most part in 1922 escaped party supervision , since the latter was restricted geographically to the larger centres of habitation and their immediate hinterland .
20 They had suffered in the Civil War from requisitioning by Red , White , and Green armies , and to some extent from the Bolshevik-inspired kombedy ( committees of poor peasants ) .
21 For lack of funds , equipment , and means of control , central government and famine-free areas had to stand by passively to some extent as disease-ridden migrants besieged them .
22 In the spring of 1922 their management was decentralized to some extent and subjected to khozraschet ( strict accounting principles ) .
23 This is a scottish rock band ( every album has to be categorized to some extent in order to sell it ) .
24 The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism showed Eliot again considering poetry 's primitive roots and to some extent consciously reorienting himself towards romanticism .
25 However , to some extent the neglect of such important issues of the difference in the meaning of marriage and divorce to men and women , the contradictions in the thinking and behaviour of the two sexes , and the negotiation of their positions has something to do with another presentist shadow : that of feminism .
26 Finniston believes that the enterprise culture that has been fostered by the present government has to some extent fuelled a disregard for social responsibility .
27 Haslam learned the hard way how to handle such a traumatic situation and how to some extent to play God when it became necessary to select the people who had to go .
28 Laing accepts that to some extent he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth .
29 All of the children had to contribute and to some extent we lost our childhood .
30 These phrases do , however , have the ring of truth in an aesthetic sense — or rather there was an aesthetic process involved which had to some extent its own story .
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