Example sentences of "to be sell " in BNC.

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1 Time and time again your average punter gets ripped off by some incompetent half-wit whose main aim seems to be to sell as many boxes as he or she can .
2 On a Wednesday there was a rumour flying around Jersey House that the building was going to be sold ; on the following Monday , the rumour was confirmed as fact .
3 This flat had to be sold by the council , and the ADC states that by allowing tenants to purchase such dwellings , the Government will ensure that over time younger households will buy up accommodation formerly occupied by older people ;
4 A total of 2,680 houses have to be sold free of the tie by next November .
5 The company 's coffee shops have been identified as being one of the main causes for the poor performance and are to be sold .
6 The budget cuts would mean significant delays in 1990 production of missiles , a handful of which are due to be sold to Britain .
7 AN EARLY Picasso painting , which most of the authoritative books on the artist recorded as lost or destroyed , is to be sold in Paris on 30 November and is likely to fetch one of the highest prices paid for a picture at auction .
8 Mr Renaudat is believed to have been arranging a deal for a large supply of arms captured by Chad during the war with Libya to be sold to the Lebanese Christians , through intermediaries in Tunis and Iraq .
9 Age Concern said : ‘ If local authorities ’ precious stock of properties suitable for elderly people begins to be sold off , the consequences for the majority of elderly tenants in ordinary housing could be very serious indeed . ’
10 Sometimes , too , houses have to be sold by auction to satisfy the legal requirements of trustees or executors ( auctions provide adequate proof that the property has been sold at the going market value , and protect trustees from future claims of negligence ) .
11 These asked for an end to the current system of zero-rating goods bound for export to other EC states in favour of levying VAT on all taxable goods sold , regardless of where in the Community they are to be sold .
12 Private polls conducted for the Tory Party have shown concern among voters that the service , like water and electricity , is about to be sold off .
13 They point out that the group has a banking facility limit of £190m , and though it does have £10m more of properties to be sold it does not take much to push the Lowndes to this limit .
14 They do n't produce a piece of vinyl to be sold in a retail outlet .
15 Arriving at a design for a new product , he insists , entails seeking marketing advice , weighing up how the product is going to be made and manufactured , understanding the cost elements and how it is going to be sold and presented to the customer .
16 Twenty of the specially equipped Esprits are to be sold by US dealers this autumn .
17 Whatever the merits of their looks , enough customers loved them for them to be sold out .
18 The progress of sport as a ‘ commodity ’ either to be sold to the media in its own right or to be used in order to sell other products was slower and more halting than might be imagined .
19 The most disputed proposals in the bill — to cut the public service obligations of ITV and to auction ITV franchises to the highest bidder — were attacked by Mr Roy Hattersley , Labour 's deputy leader , who said : ‘ Television franchises are to be sold like second-hand motor cars .
20 Formerly at Woburn Abbey , it is due to be sold to the Getty Museum in California .
21 Options in Thames Water are to be sold on the London Traded Options Market from Tuesday .
22 The ground itself , owned by Wolverhampton council , is unlikely to be sold .
23 Similarly it would be stated in the estate agents ' particulars whether permission had been granted for a house which is up for sale to be sold to someone who wanted to use it as a second home .
24 They had them sub-titled in order to be sold abroad for possible profit .
25 The financial figures exclude the contribution from Girobank , the banking subsidiary , which is to be sold to the Alliance and Leicester Building Society .
26 They are generally quite small , about 225/8oz in weight , but some of the German varieties are large and intended to be sold sliced .
27 MGM-Pathe may have to be sold .
28 She had been letting the house to my father and mother , but they had now died also , and the whole property was to be sold : the house , yard , outbuildings , flower garden , kitchen garden , and a small meadow .
29 I was not particularly sad that the house was to be sold .
30 Unlike his predecessor , he has told Mrs Rees she can not allow her toys to be sold .
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