Example sentences of "to the need " in BNC.

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1 This is so we can respond effectively to the needs of our clients .
2 I am delighted to be associated with such a far-reaching project that will act as a clearing house for many people 's activities across the world through a service dedicated to the needs of an unrestricted membership .
3 Libraries , adult education and leisure centres and other local agencies are beginning to respond to the needs of older people in the leisure field .
4 As the APT was so ideally suited to the needs of the West Coast main line and offered the possibility of major train service improvements , BR — regrettably as matters transpired — became wedded to the project to the extent that no other traction possibility was considered .
5 we believe that undergraduates in English would benefit from more ‘ systematic ’ and less ‘ inspirational ’ instruction and that this systematic instruction and its associated reading lists should be agreed by the teachers concerned and closely related to the needs of the Tripos course .
6 ‘ This makes the church sensitive to the needs of those areas and that section of the population which has not benefited from the last 10 years of Conservative government , ’ he says , claiming that there is ‘ no automatic connection between wealth creation and a happy society ’ .
7 He said the NHS should address itself more to the needs of cancer patients so that they do not feel they have to go outside the system .
8 If industry wants to retain its increasingly-important female workforce , employers must be sympathetic to the needs of women to balance work and family life ’ .
9 For the rest , standards of literacy were offered which were appropriate to the needs of an industrial workforce .
10 must be responsive to the needs and problems of the community it serves .
11 There is a view that marketing is not relevant to the needs of less developed countries , since these countries require means of increasing basic levels of output , not means of directing changes of production to satisfy a changing marketplace .
12 plan research programs that are tailored to the needs of each different ‘ cluster ’ of countries .
13 But he commanded general respect as an authoritative voice , in tune with the need for social order , sensitive to the needs of the unions and his own party , but also with a genuine cross-party appeal .
14 In Laing 's opinion , a manager becomes increasingly sensitive to the needs of others as he gets older and more experienced .
15 Among them , argues Engels , women 's wishes and happiness become subjugated to the needs of maintaining the ownership of the means of production within the dominant class .
16 It will be specially tailored to the needs of European markets and customers .
17 He seems to be obsessed with investing every penny , while at the same time turning a blind eye to the needs of his growing family .
18 There was a pause as they looked at one another and adjusted their minds to the needs of conversation .
19 Adjusting the Delors vision of a Social Charter to the needs of greater Europe Notebook .
20 Aided by the fresh designs of Nicholas Georgiadis , they place the action in an Elizabethan fantasy setting — and how cleverly Georgiadis adapts period dress to the needs of ballet .
21 Western politicians like Lynda Chalker , the British aid minister , have tried to reassure them : ‘ Britain will continue to respond to the needs of the developing world , ’ she said in mid-January 1990 .
22 This split will force the NHS to pay more attention to the needs of patients and less to the convenience of doctors .
23 The typical small businessman in Hong Kong now has business interests in southern China , to complement his existing connections through kinship , and would much prefer that a cheaper project be put in place , with a view to the needs of Greater Hong Kong as they will be in the 21st century — this after full consultation with the Chinese authorities .
24 Always the man of action type rather than the deep thinker , he is a captain who leads by example ; if he showed himself rather insensitive to the needs of his bowlers , he showed his batsmen just what to do .
25 CHILDREN open your eyes and see how you are chained to the needs and desires of your parents .
26 Nor was there any instance , as far as I could see , of the faithful lover dying before his long wait was rewarded ; or thought of how the heroine might have felt in such a case , with brothers and sisters flown the nest , father and mother dead , hero dead , the house empty , and the mind , so long attuned and subjected to the needs of other minds , no longer able to recognize and adapt to its own needs .
27 They may all start off the same , but the principle of organization is inexorable and they develop specialized functions according to the needs of the whole .
28 We should be proud of our productivity record and promote our willingness to adapt our industry to meet the challenge of CAP reform to the needs of today .
29 It is therefore a theoretical structure flawed in some of its fundamental conceptions and all too readily adaptable to the needs of hierarchical bureaucracies .
30 Pillai was sent as assistant commissioner of the Raipur District of the Central Provinces , where he learned ‘ on the job ’ the art of administering to the needs of half a million people .
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