Example sentences of "to [det] other " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In silence , the two almost bowed almost stiffly to each other , behaving rather like two — well , two somethings-or-other , thought Patrick .
2 Classes are led by experienced staff , usually by staff at the drama school where the course is held , and at the end of the five weeks groups will present mini-production projects to each other , on which they will be assessed , and they will usually be given a certificate for having attended the course .
3 The solution of the problem of relating the individual solutions to each other .
4 Two tired men holding on to each other to stop themselves falling down .
5 In my mind , I had pictured Charles , Anne and myself standing in the middle of an otherwise empty common room , sherry glass in hand , desperately trying to think of something to say to each other .
6 Once clear of the ground , most gliders are very similar to each other and you should have no problems .
7 Both Jay and Dionne had spent many a dawn listening to each other on the latest One and Only .
8 Well I guess we have a lot to catch up on , like the whole of our lives seeing as we finally got to say hello to each other only years ago .
9 At least she and Dionne knew how precious they were to each other .
10 There was a roar of assent and the gathering began to stir and kindle into easier feelings — neighbours muttered to each other and laughter came from the Grandtully part of the crowd .
11 People who had been out together at Castle Menzies , then on down to the Reel of Ballechin , conversed steadily , opening up their private problems to each other with a freedom well beyond the usual .
12 As the dancers changed partners , set to each other , backed away , then set again and spun with crossed arms , Donald McCulloch became masterful , gripping the girls ' hands strongly , spinning so hard that the balls of their feet ached on the cobbles , and passing them on with an almost lordly flourish of his arm .
13 ‘ As you can see , now that we have stopped exposing ourselves to Tramen-exhalation we have developed heads and can talk to each other for the first time .
14 It kept them apart , kept them foreign to each other , him unhaveable , her unhad .
15 This is the sort of cheap bitter jibe we love to say to each other when we feel wronged by life and attribute it to the lukewarm stew of Englishness .
16 Dancers on stage must establish their relationship to each other and to those who enter and also the particular way they are to set the action or dance going by initiating the phrasing , style and expressiveness of the choreographic design to be unfolded .
17 The relationship of dancers to each other usually leads to a climax of some kind , possibly a confrontation or conflict , perhaps an exciting pas de deux or a feat of virtuosity .
18 The first part introduces the characters and shows how they set the action going because of their relationship or attitude to each other .
19 Nevertheless the three dancers in Monotones are expressing their close relationship to each other and to the space in which they dance and above all to the flowing lines of the design and of the musical phrases .
20 In addition to the courtesy the partners show to each other , there are also the courtesies that must be shown to the bystanders on stage during a pas de deux so that such reciprocation can help to focus the audience 's attention on the context of the dance .
21 And it is their response to each other 's movements and their own enjoyment in dance that makes their behaviour appear natural and spontaneous even when they perform difficult technical feats .
22 A dancer coming forwards can convey a variety of meaning : giving a greeting ; asking a question , even if it is only an inquisitive movement of the head ; saying Yes , or agreeing with a nod or with a particular wave of the hand ; giving something with arms circling outwards , e.g. Natalia and the Tutor when they open their arms to each other ; or merely proffering a hand at the beginning of a dance , e.g. Paris offering his hand to Juliet .
23 That the members of the quintet will be ‘ bound ’ to each other in secret guilt by the cement of blood , having been tricked into thinking Shatov is a danger and must be removed , is another and a promising rationalization which reveals a local shrewdness like Iago 's .
24 This supports two distinct modes of light propagation polarised at right angles to each other .
25 If discourses articulate concepts through a system or signs which signify by means or their relationship to each other rather than to entities in the world , and ir literature is a signifying practice , all it can reflect is the order inscribed in particular discourses , not the nature or the world .
26 If — so his argument goes — consenting adults in the private sectors of different countries lend money to each other , all that shows is that capital markets are usefully redirecting the surplus savings of one economy to the investment opportunities in another .
27 For most Arabs , the original betrayal occurred at the height of the First World War , when the allied powers made conflicting promises to each other , as well as to the Jews and Arabs .
28 It therefore comes ill from this Government to appeal for people to accept greater obligation to each other , when its policies have accelerated the decline of mutuality and neighbourliness .
29 They are heartened by finding common ground between English and science for , if nothing else , the introduction of the national curriculum has encouraged teachers from different disciplines to talk to each other : ‘ At one time , we could conceive of ourselves as subject teachers , ’ said Mr Lenarduzzi .
30 ‘ A continuous exploration of the material and of their relationship to each other . ’
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