Example sentences of "[num ord] [num] years [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly in the first 10 years that the two species overlapped , the proportion of magpie nests which were parasitised rocketed from a quarter to more than three quarters , as the cuckoos switched away from the more discriminating meadow buntings .
2 You know there was an old legal story er saying rather er that er in the first five years that a a j a man is appointed a judge he does n't know the job .
3 The proposal also included an offer to reduce the price of supplies in real terms over the first five years and a pledge that during the contract period prices would remain ‘ within the general movement of prices in the economy ’ .
4 She was living with her boyfriend as she had for the last eight years and the hospital team were quite happy to talk to him about the proposed care plan for her .
5 It explicitly rejected " both the do-nothing government of the last 12 years and the big government theory that says we can hamstring business and tax and spend our way to prosperity " .
6 Two projects commissioned by the European Commission — the competitiveness of the Community 's ‘ tradeable service sector ’ relative to Japan and the USA , and the ‘ identification of the technical devices that will lead to new service activities in the next 10-15 years and the role which these new services might play in European society ’ — were completed in 1985 .
7 The current volume of vehicles could triple , or even quadruple , over the next 30 years and the bulk of the increase will fall on rural roads rather than urban streets or motorways .
8 Have sales of religious books matched the growth in ethnic minority groups in the UK over the last 10 years and the related interest in the religions of the Middle and Far East ?
9 At one stage I had the same reservations , but in the light of the experience of the last six years and the credibility that the festival has given to drama with elected members , headteachers , and officers of the Authority , I am convinced that , at any rate for Leeds , this annual festival is helping to develop the quality of drama in the Authority ( pp. 44–45 ) .
10 And I think it 's no wonder that for example within Trent region , over the , the last three years since the N H S Act came into force , that there has been a quadrupling of accountants or er administrators within the Health Service and a corresponding reduction within the numbers of nursing staff , the numbers of directly employed ancillary staff within with within the N H S.
11 Paul Marsh , Chairman of the Property and Commercial Services Committee of the Council , said today ‘ The strategy reflects the enormous changes which have taken place in the profession over the last three years and the absolute need for firms of solicitors large or small to provide legal services to the public in the form which the public want those services supplied . ’
12 Chris Wells , above , of Project Office Furniture , said Mr Lamont 's tax planning over the next three years and a resolution to reduce public borrowing should settle business nerves .
13 Speaking yesterday in Edinburgh at a press briefing Dr Graham Dalton remarked : ‘ We can see the way ahead for the next three years and the overall picture for Scottish farming is reasonably encouraging .
14 The changing role of the governing body was also perceived as a key issue : as one head put it , ‘ There could be conflict over the next ten years as the governing bodies try to claim their legal rights and powers from the professionals . ’
15 His back catalogue is his best defence ; go and listen to it ( It is , incidentally , being reissued on vinyl ‘ as archive material ’ because Albini believes that the aluminium in CDs will oxidise in the next ten years and the medium — conveniently for record companies — will become defunct ) .
16 Through this lucrative arrangement the club will receive £500 over the next ten years and the donation of a new team strip , on show for the first time today .
17 Some of the consequences for this group include over 120 spontaneous leukaemias during the next 50 years and an increased risk of genetic disorders in future generations ( Anspaugh et al. , 1988 ) .
18 The team found no episode in the last 1,000 years to match the growth in the width of tree rings recorded in the last 25 years and the temperature rise that this indicates .
19 The new buildings on the Convent site were brought gradually into use over the next five years as the planned refurbishments were completed and the School slowly expanded with each new mixed intake .
20 An Irish government campaign had emphasized the economic benefits of participating in economic and monetary union ( EMU ) and warned that the country could lose as much as I£6,000 million over the next five years if the Treaty were rejected and could also lose foreign industrial investment .
21 Fitness requirements have altered dramatically in the last five years and the recent law changes make it even more imperative that players be fitter , more mobile and faster around the pitch .
22 Though we maintain a relatively small profession in the UK , our numbers have increased by 28% over the last five years and the number of actuarial students is up by 45% .
23 If ever there was a clear indication of the Government 's understanding of the changing needs of industry , the effect of change on a particular industry , and the Government 's willingness to take on board the social consequences of change , the last five years and the Coal Industry Bill clearly demonstrate the Government 's balanced commitment to honouring their duty to consider the wider public interest .
24 We the G M B have an excellent record over the last fifteen years but the g our people , and more so the craftsmen within that particular g , is cause for concern and a massive scope for improvement in every area of health , safety and the environment .
25 In addition , the volume of air traffic has increased considerably over the last 16 years although the growth experienced in the late seventies has not been maintained more recently .
26 *It is only in the last 15 years that the accumulated evidence has been strong enough to conclude that the regular consumption of up to four standard drinks a day may reduce the risk of coronary disease by as much as 50 per cent . ’
27 Swindon has grown economically in the last 15 years and the unemployment level was down to a record low 2 to 3 years ago .
28 The report , compiled by the Washington-based International Institute for Energy Conservation , says that a total of £1.2 trillion could be saved over the next 40 years if the Bank provided adequate support for energy efficiency in transport , industry , power stations and the domestic market .
29 SHIPPING giant ACL today pledged to stick with Liverpool at least for the next four years after a new contract was hammered out between the Swedish-owned company and Mersey Docks and Harbour Company .
30 The rate of ozone depletion in the Antarctic has slowed in the past few years , but the researchers say that their model predicts " a return to more rapid depletion during the next four years as the solar minimum is approached . "
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