Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun sg] [pron] be say " in BNC.

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1 In the sixth century they were said to have come originally from the island of Scandza , to have migrated to the Black Sea , and thence to have come into contact with the Roman Empire .
2 Of the first edition it was said : The book deals with the whole gamut of infectious diseases but due emphasis has been placed on the common diseases , both in their typical and atypical forms and on those aspects of the less common diseases which a practitioner may recognise …
3 It 's interesting , you 're talking about our first caller who was saying that there was just too much television coverage
4 I mean , from the first line it 's says , what shall I do , I 'm catched ?
5 the twentieth week you 're saying I should be starting this for January term ?
6 Yeah , well he was , when he was littler his dad was sort of saying one day you 'll have all this then the next minute he was saying no you wo n't , you wo n't be having any of it do you know what I mean ?
7 Last night he was said to be comfortable .
8 Mr Morton was rushed to Middlesbrough General Hospital 's burns unit where last night he was said to be comfortable ’ .
9 Last night he was said to be comfortable in the West Highland Hospital , Oban .
10 For those of us who ca n't make Goodison I think R5 has full commentary on the match … infact they interviewed Wilko last night who was saying that he had n't thought about whether or not anyone could catch Scum , but he was only interested in how many points we could get ‘ it 's like the Grand National ’ , he said , ‘ plenty of favourites fall the seconf time round ’ .
11 Erm now next week you were saying something about you 'd like one on Easter Monday , I wo n't actually be here .
12 Because a mosque stood next door it was said that the cinema had been rejected by Allah as an unworthy neighbour .
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