Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun sg] [pron] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 This same point about the divisibility of roles which are ordinarily assumed to be interchangeable is further exemplified by my second example which is another piece of classic ethnography .
2 On the second floor it was all the scones and tea bread and currant bread and on the top floor it was all confectionery work and sponge making and what have you and pies .
3 By the second year there was little noticeable change : the threats they feared the year before had not materialised , but neither had much progress been made except that the language of contracts replaced that of budgets and allocations .
4 But , the second time it was all four of us that went .
5 By the eighteenth century there was some move towards acceptance by the smaller landlords of partible inheritance , and the shift into industrial capitalism led to legal changes which increased freedom of testation , allowing a business man greater choice in securing his business fortune .
6 In front of the 9th green there are several ridges and he hit one of these on its down-slope .
7 In the fifteenth century there were some evictions in the parish ordered by Sir Edward Belknap , but the overall story , as worked out by James Bond , is very complex and no single reason can be found to explain what can be seen in the landscape .
8 there 's one there that 's the first level there 's this one and there 's a third one up there .
9 In answer to the first question there is some evidence that initially there is a degree of opposition — staff see themselves losing the opportunity of sixth form teaching , parents , who often went to 11–18 schools themselves , regard them as a second best alternative .
10 In the first place there is much that is right about the confessionalist stance .
11 In the first place there were many local and idiosyncratic variations : the uses of the bishopric of Sarum were different from those of Canterbury , the allegiance of certain chroniclers to some saints above others , and the preferences of certain abbeys for certain saints .
12 At first sight there is little to suggest that Michell has found anything other than chance connections .
13 At first sight there is some evidence to support this sort of assumption .
14 The f I often find that really the first year it was more fun and er then when they started on the plays and that it got more serious and
15 Perhaps because this was the first time I was all alone in a big city in a new country .
16 In the nineteenth century they were all categorised together as ‘ the Alderney or French breed ’ said to be bred chiefly on Alderney and to a lesser extent on the other islands .
17 Works on comparative anatomy continued this tradition , though by the nineteenth century there was more caution about using mankind .
18 Throughout the nineteenth century there was some casual cattle stealing in most districts .
19 Like many such groups , they have acquired a patina of legend : during the nineteenth century there were those who referred to them as Druid stones , others who thought they were of Roman origin , and yet others who asserted they must be the gravestones of Danish invaders vanquished by Banquo and Macbeth .
20 In this period of the last decades of the twentieth century there is much evidence of a decline in the standards of human behaviour , and this , unquestionably , can be attributed to faltering human consciences .
21 By the beginning of the twentieth century there were some 200 levadas with a total length of 1,000km .
22 I thought it were fair , but I read the next bit What 's this one ?
23 Soon after two o'clock the next afternoon they were all out for 189 , the atmosphere helping the ball to move and swing around .
24 Yet the next night there was another version .
25 The next day they are all killed when the volcano erupts unexpectedly .
26 The next day there were more semi-finals .
27 Last night they were both said to be ‘ stable ’ in York District Hospital .
28 On the last night we were all presented with certificates .
29 Last night there was more evidence of the couple 's unhappiness when it was disclosed that they had a furious row at Balmoral shortly before the ‘ love tapes ’ were published .
30 On television last night there was some waffling about nothing and complaining they had n't been told .
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