Example sentences of "have speak of " in BNC.

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1 Aniela Jaff has spoken of ‘ the mysterious and lonely poetry , ’ which she finds in Chagall 's art , a ‘ ghostly aspect of things that only rare individuals may see , ’ which very much encapsulates Leonard 's work , too .
2 The West German Foreign Minister has spoken of a ‘ new European Peace Order , ’ Lord Callaghan of a new Concert of Europe .
3 Mr Baker has spoken of the renewed ‘ need for American leadership ’ .
4 Mr Kinnock has spoken of his desire to give London at least one grand projet on Parisian lines .
5 Dr Ward has spoken of the potential effects on children who were unborn at the time of the incident .
6 The President of the National Assembly and former Prime Minister , Laurent Fabius , has spoken of ‘ the general crisis of politics … the malaise of a society which has lost all its landmarks translates itself into a suspicion of political parties and into a rise of anti-parliamentarianism ’ .
7 More recently , Jocelyn Harris has spoken of Leapor 's ‘ self-loathing ; although this is a strong term to use , any close reading of Leapor 's poetry will show that she was very sensitive about her appearance .
8 Simon Watney , the British writer , has spoken of how the anger and elegy of American artists reacting to Aids rest heavily on personal experience of the illness .
9 ‘ I can scarce believe it — why , none has spoken of it today in my hearing !
10 He has spoken of the principle and the command .
11 More recently , professor Griffith has spoken of the need for a new jurisprudence for public law , which he suggests might best be founded on some ( unspecified ) modern variant of utilitarianism ( Griffith , 1981 ) .
12 Amis in a radio interview has spoken of his war-time friendship at Oxford with Philip Larkin as if it had succeeded only in inverted terms .
13 Iris Murdoch has spoken of novels as tending to be either crystalline or journalistic ; and the journalistic , which she practises , sounds like a free-wheeling and ever-hospitable realism : ‘ a large , shapeless , quasi-documentary object … telling with pale conventional characters some straightforward story enlivened with empirical facts . ’
14 Philip has spoken of Richard 's ‘ wonderful , curious mind .
15 Ben Hall has spoken of how in the 1920s the United States ‘ was dotted with a thousand Xanadus ’ , luxurious cinemas in which people all too concerned with their own improvement could satisfy their curiosity about how other people had succeeded .
16 Ivars has spoken of a Soviet based in the country who has been building what he terms a ‘ Sky Bug ’ but what we in the FlyPast office think must be a Flying Flea of sorts .
17 The ‘ cherishing love ’ that Barber has spoken of here takes the form of arguing that the Friend should cherish posterity , the world at large , by begetting a child on some anonymous and otherwise unimportant woman !
18 ‘ If I may venture , ’ said Earl Robert deprecatingly , ‘ why should not the oracle that has spoken of two brothers be asked to send us a further sign ?
19 In confession now he has spoken of but one blow , and I am convinced he struck but once . ’
20 Many of the more senior academics have left university employment and the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals has spoken of the threat this poses to academic leadership .
21 The forecast from Livorno has spoken of increasing winds and I laid out all the chain before we rowed ashore ( feeling curiously British and eccentric using oars among so many outboards ) for the pasta and wine we had been promising ourselves since mid-morning .
22 Australian author Helen Hodgman has spoken of the misconception of Australia as a liberal country , saying that it 's no good for women , gays or ( come to that ) lizards .
23 I would , by the way , like to thank the members of , of the Investment Panel , for the help and support they 've given me , and also , in fact , to point out that erm , although s er , your your Chairman has spoken of Sir Ray severing his formal links with the Council , I have to say that we still do have one or two claws still attached to him , in that he remains on , as a very valued member of the Investment Panel , and will continue to provide his wisdom and advice , for which we are all very grateful .
24 A Bosnian man paralysed by shrapnel has spoken of his joy at being OUT of Sarajevo and IN Stoke Mandeville Hospital .
25 FIRE hero Dave Nellis has spoken of his terror when he saw his best friend turned into a human torch .
26 ONE of the men trapped in a disused air shaft for nearly ten hours has spoken of his ordeal rats , dead sheep and all .
27 Meanwhile , the girlfriend of PC Williamson has spoken of her hate for the killers .
28 The IMF has spoken of fundamental weaknesses underlying an economy dependent for survival on aid and dragged down by graft .
29 THE Queen has spoken of her concern for the environment while praising the Sultan of Brunei for his work in protecting his country 's rainforests .
30 She had looked unnaturally pensive , uncertain , when he 'd spoken of their childhood days at The Grange and Harry 's face had lit up with a special glow .
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