Example sentences of "have be expected " in BNC.

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31 Whether she realized that the French alliance of 1548 was exceedingly fragile , entered into faute de mieux , or whether she assumed that it had a solidity which almost three centuries might have been expected to give it , is not clear .
32 The movement 's historian has described it as ‘ a landmark in Free Church history ’ although he admitted ‘ it did not take hold on the life of the Free Churches in the way that might have been expected ’ .
33 Mr Yeltsin , who in normal circumstances might have been expected to restrain the Russian nationalists , is fighting for political survival against a Congress of People 's Deputies highly critical of his economic reforms .
34 I do n't think my performances during the winter were as good as could have been expected .
35 More units might have been expected to have explored the extra income potential of specialised products .
36 If complete public openness is the policy , it might have been expected that the public would have free access to governors ' meetings so that they could hear the arguments for policy and resource allocations within the school .
37 Among other findings , this produced five cases of young leukaemia within eight miles of the plant over the period 1979–84 , where less than one would have been expected on the basis of national rates .
38 He played Bobby Dupea with explosive sensitivity , as a promising musician who rejects a career to become an oil-rigger ; a rebel who , like Nicholson himself , had the chance of taking a particular course in life which would have provided him with comfort and stability , but chose a different route to that which might have been expected of him .
39 Maud 's living room was not what might have been expected of a Victorian scholar .
40 True , she went to bed late , and was often at her desk until four a.m. , and so might have been expected to rise well after midday , and luxuriate over breakfast before beginning her day 's work at one in the afternoon .
41 The processes which keep alive a microbe , a spinach plant , and a human turned out to have more in common than might have been expected .
42 Beliefs which had become established almost as folk-law , such as the universally harmful effects of too much salt , had less support than might have been expected .
43 They claimed the cost of replacement ( £4,500 ) from the surveyor , but he denied the claim on the grounds that it was a ‘ hidden defect ’ which he could not reasonably have been expected to uncover .
44 If you are ultimately dismissed and present a claim to the industrial tribunal , the basic question will be whether , in all the circumstances , the employer could have been expected to wait any longer before taking positive action .
45 if you in fact avoid or reduce your loss , you can not recover the amount so saved , even if the steps that you took were more than could reasonably have been expected ;
46 The effects on public expenditure have not been as drastic as might have been expected .
47 I recall no occasion of feeling ‘ physically better ’ , and that could hardly have been expected , rather a sense of a lantern lighting a gloom , or an astounding view unfolding .
48 In the 1970s they had been required to obtain land for future projects , and they could hardly have been expected ? sell at such severely-depressed prices .
49 The remaining populace , disillusioned with their rulers and protectors , accordingly greeted the French emperor and his men with less hostility than might have been expected .
50 It had not been easy without existing contacts in the region , and their reports would have to be treated with caution for a while , but on the whole he felt he had achieved as much as could have been expected .
51 Thus , the gravitational field in this case is identical to that of the Bell-Szekeres solution , as may have been expected .
52 Apart from these texts there are a few which are revealing for the opposite reason : they deny the existence of a trust where it might have been expected .
53 Merckx was known as ‘ the cannibal ’ , so often did he scoop up the prizes , even in minor events when he might have been expected to allow minor or local riders to have their day .
54 Last year , a passive solar collector on a house would have been expected to pay for itself in 12 to 15 years .
55 This is about 10 more , she says , than would have been expected From the whole 8000 servicemen who , she says , took part in the South Pacific tests between 1957 and 1958 .
56 Town might have been expected to dispose of a side they have already beaten twice this season , but not necessarily with ten men for 68 minutes of the game .
57 Although their dress was not equipped to deal with soaking weather and although they may have been expected to turn back at the sight of such greyness , they continued and even displayed some sense of enjoyment at the discomfort each was experiencing .
58 It was obvious to them that Danzig , up to the advent of the Nazis , had been far freer from racial strife and entrenched national rivalry than might have been expected in such a complex and explosive economic and political environment .
59 Though those parents who were able to escape to England might have been expected to accept immediate responsibility for their offspring , this was often not practicable .
60 However , they also escaped the severe censure that might have been expected from the high-minded moralists who strutted busily through the Victorian England of his day .
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