Example sentences of "have found [that] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Jim Lynch at Horticultural Research International has found that lettuce yields can double when pots are inoculated with trichoderma , while petunias and marigolds develop extra-large early flowers .
2 An internal survey by the Association of District Councils ( ADC ) , reported in the journal Housing , has found that many local authorities are having great difficulty in exempting from the Right to Buy those properties they consider to be especially suitable for older people .
3 Since moving from the Foreign Office in Mrs Thatcher 's reshuffle in July , he has found that the small business portfolio promotes a softly , softly approach .
4 A year-long survey of the habits of 24,000 adults in England , Wales and Scotland has found that people with an annual household income of £20,000 or more have considerably higher levels of attendance than those in lower income groups .
5 Whereas Haslam has found that a detached outside perspective has proved to be valuable in several of the companies he has served as a board member , his early intimate knowledge of the coal industry was equally beneficial when he was asked to become chairman of British Coal , bringing his career full circle .
6 Pearce has found that his involvement in so many outside bodies has helped to broaden his knowledge and outlook .
7 The association has found that mortgage lenders are charging fees of up to £40 to those borrowers who choose their own buildings insurance policy .
8 A survey has found that people under 24 are cutting down on alcohol .
9 President Gaviria has found that he wields little power even over the 24 members from his balkanised Liberal Party .
10 He has found that unemployed people are eleven times more likely to commit suicide than those in work .
11 The company has found that this is more successful than using conventional training , or senior managers .
12 CAC has found that keeping the public informed helps to create positive attitudes .
13 Belbin ( 1981 ) has found that one of the key determinants of a team 's success is the nature of the interaction in terms of the qualities brought to completing the task .
14 The Select Committee on Education has found that the lack of specific resources has restricted the 1981 Act 's implementation .
15 Stuart Altman , a primatologist at the University of Chicago , has found that the quality of the nutrition a young baboon receives determines it later reproductive success very closely .
16 Psychiatric research has found that children who are deprived of physical demonstrations of love are far more likely to manifest behaviour problems and to grow into emotionally unbalanced adults , unable themselves to give or receive any kind of love or warmth .
17 Research comparing young and older people 's attitudes to sexual morality has found that both groups displayed the same degree of flexibility .
18 The company is busily registering Digivision as a trade name around the world , but has found that a small British firm is already using the name for electronic equipment .
19 Dr Kai Simons of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory has found that at least some animal viruses enter the cell surrounded by an envelope of cell membrane .
20 He has found that the Sun 's average temperature of about 5800 K dropped by about 5 K between 1975 and the early part of 1981 .
21 Livingston 's latest results are already telling us something new ; he has found that the Sun 's temperature ( and thus brightness ) reached a minimum in the summer of 1981 , but has been gradually increasing since then .
22 Pundir has found that a large number of S. cordifolia have been killed by the hyperparasite V. loranthi , resulting in a sharp decline in the S. cordifolia population , An additional factor in favour of this system is its specificity .
23 Once again Aspect 's team has found that Bell 's inequality is violated and that the results agree well with quantum mechanics ( Physical Review Letters , vol 49 , p 1804 ) .
24 The first survey ever of such tests has found that another 59 companies say they may start testing .
25 In London the Greater London Council has found that ‘ most of central London 's sewer system is more than 70 years old , of which a substantial proportion is more than 100 years old .
26 Thus he has found that eggs are particularly susceptible to the effects of alcohol when the chromosomes are arranged on the spindle during the second meiotic division ( during metaphase ) immediately prior to their segregation into the two daughter cells .
27 He has found that by lowering the temperature of the tank to 72–73°F , the white spot are slowed down and the daphnia , which feed on the parasites remain active .
28 Like many songwriters , Emily has found that the prolific teenage years do n't last .
29 NASA has found that between 15 and 20 plants , such as the humble spider plant , can clean and refresh the air in an average-sized room .
30 It has found that couples are also more likely to get into financial trouble after they have children because of increased outgoings .
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