Example sentences of "have had time " in BNC.

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1 The author has had time to consider and reflect , so that descriptions , interpretations and evaluations will have been carefully formulated .
2 Nevertheless , above the placard speed a severe gust can raise the loads on the wings and cause damage before the weak link has had time to break and relieve the situation .
3 Occasionally the stall is recognised by the pilot so that a preventative movement can be made before any serious wing-drop has had time to develop .
4 Alas , I can not say whether Mr Roirbak has had time to examine them yet . ’
5 Since , ultimately , the law has to be stated authoritatively , there is a case for passing a statute , once experience of the working of the Code has had time to show up any problems there may be .
6 If a negative thought is about to enter your mind try to become aware of it before it has had time to take root in your unconscious and put it aside , replacing it with a positive thought .
7 Do n't rush in with the word before he/she has had time to think , but do n't leave him/her struggling .
8 A time switch disconnects the heating coil after it has had time to warm the lock .
9 It should be taken first thing in the morning , before it has had time to be increased by exertion , mental excitement , eating , or stimulants like tea , coffee or nicotine .
10 I say , wait until he has had time to return from Roxburgh — as surely he will .
11 ‘ I do n't fear that , Miss Mackenzie ; I 'm convinced you 'll be back up that ladder before the ambulance has had time to drive away . ’
12 Yet another , fortunately quite rare , follows you around when it sees secateurs in your hands and drops a few eggs into the soft pith of the stem when you make a cut , before the cut wound has had time to callus and heal itself — another reason why you should always try to confine cutting to a fine dry day .
13 A single budded standard , or a double where one has failed , can look distinctly lop-sided for the first few years until it has had time to develop — this is the sort of stuff you have to watch out for in the cheap ‘ end of season nursery clearance sales ’ and street markets .
14 When the glue has had time to dry take a small inked roller and roll across the items .
15 If a group arrives in the morning before the housekeeping department has had time to clean and service all the rooms , then the group must be made comfortable whilst waiting to gain access to their rooms .
16 As a matter of fact , although it is an extra extravagance from the point of view of fuel , the chicken will be very much nicer cooked the same day as it is to be eaten , before it has had time to harden up .
17 ‘ It 's possible that he has taught the gardener 's cat , ’ replied Mr Appin thoughtfully , ‘ but I do n't believe he has had time to teach any other cats . ’
18 ‘ But right now , if you do n't mind , Giles , I think Cavell should meet Penny Seu Chen so that they can sort out Maria 's schedule for the next few days , as I doubt if Maria has had time to familiarise herself with it yet .
19 When water has had time to fill tanks and flows continuously from HWT close tap
20 Deputy Head ( Curriculum ) : ‘ We 'll discuss this again after the department has had time to consider it . ’
21 However , after she 'd had time to calm down , Susan returned to the salon the next day to try to get her money back .
22 When we were north of the border recently for the Scottish Music Show , before I 'd had time to look round myself , people were rushing over to describe a monster the like of which they 'd never before seen .
23 I wish we 'd had time to work on things .
24 She took a sip of wine before she 'd had time to wonder whether that might be wise .
25 If I 'd had time to think I do n't know how I would have felt .
26 ‘ I wish I 'd had time to make that tea , ’ Mrs Bennet said .
27 The words were impulsive , out before she 'd had time to vet them .
28 The trouble was , Alexandra thought , walking into her kitchen wrapped in a bath sheet , the trouble was that you could n't really go with the flow until you 'd had time to work out which way it was going .
29 He asked if she 'd had time to think about it .
30 ‘ I wish I 'd had time to read what Canon Wheeler had written on Jefferson all the same .
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