Example sentences of "have always maintained " in BNC.

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1 No matter how small the problem of salmonella within the British egg industry — and the BEIC has always maintained that any problem was minute and much smaller than last year 's hysteria implied — the consumer has demanded that the problem be reduced to the absolute minimum possible .
2 The BBC has always maintained that it needs more spectrum for each service to be able to provide more relay stations in remote areas .
3 Shaun Ryder has always maintained he wo n't let the press ‘ be real because it 's like a fookin' mad film , it ai n't the real world ’ .
4 He has always maintained his innocence , claiming his wife 's 100ft fall from the balcony of their Bangkok flat was an accident .
5 If Di Haine 's Smooth Escort makes the cut for the Grand National at Aintree tomorrow he could be worth a sporting each-way bet as his trainer has always maintained he was made for the marathon .
6 Goldreyer has always maintained that he meticulously applied up to 2 million dots of paint and that he did not repaint the canvas .
7 My husband has always maintained that it destroys a young man 's ambition to succeed in life if he is financially indulged too young .
8 Although the government has always maintained that HATs will be restricted to the worst estates , it is by no means clear what criteria have been applied in the selection of these nine .
9 Tradition has always maintained that it was Apollinaire who introduced Braque to Picasso towards the end of 1907 .
10 The Centre of African Studies in Edinburgh has always maintained a focus on the whole of Africa , and has not concentrated on a particular region — such as West or Southern .
11 The hospital has always maintained that her paralysis was caused by a rare condition which had nothing to do with the operation .
12 The National Grid Company has always maintained that the 400,000-volt overhead line from Teesside to Shipton , near York , is needed to carry power from the Enron station being built at Wilton .
13 The dead woman 's husband has always maintained some-one knows who killed his wife .
14 He claimed only one Minister has children at state schools , and Mr Straw claims the government has always maintained that state education is good enough for everyone .
15 I 've always maintained the analogy that working with Fleetwood Mac was like movie making , because you have an idea , but to get from point A to point B you 've got to go through all these steps .
16 ‘ I 've always maintained that Peter Schmeichel is the best goalkeeper in Europe . ’
17 ‘ I 've always maintained that most of us get what we deserve in this life , ’ Wendell said .
18 He said : ‘ I 've always maintained that Paul Byrne is too good for the Irish League .
19 The Belfast Wolfe Tone Society ‘ had always maintained a sturdy independence , but somehow lacked the interconnection necessary to become an effective ideas forum .
20 This was no way to conduct one 's life , as he had always maintained .
21 As he had always maintained good relations with a number of Swiss wholesalers , the products were well known and well received there .
22 The Vietnamese government had always maintained that it had returned all US POWs to the US government shortly after the signing of the Paris peace agreements in 1973 .
23 Arafat had always maintained that he was married to the Palestinian revolution .
24 The lawyer had always maintained that the money he received was a legitimate success fee for the vital role he played in the bitterly fought takeover battle .
25 Mr Gummer , who had always maintained that he would act if circumstances demanded , said farmers were frequently forced to combine in very wet conditions .
26 To summarize : although Paisley and the other ministers of the Free Presbyterian Church have always maintained a clear division between ‘ constitutional ’ and ‘ party ’ politics — the Church has a position on the constitution but does not back any particular party — the close historical and biographical links between Church and Party have made it impossible for the Free Presbyterian Church to avoid either being tagged with the label of being the DUP at prayer or on occasion being disrupted by the spill-over of tensions from the Party into the Church .
27 The stylishly inclined have always maintained that looking good need n't be a costly exercise .
28 Colleagues of Gilbey have always maintained that his relationship with the princess is strictly platonic .
29 I have always maintained you should do the things in life that are most difficult .
30 The Croats have always maintained that they were never legally part of Hungary .
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