Example sentences of "have been friends " in BNC.

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1 They 'd been friends for some time when I first knew them but I did n't realise how long .
2 We 'd been friends for so long , we could n't understand what was happening . ’
3 There was an immediate rapport , as if we 'd been friends for years , and that happens only rarely .
4 All those years ago after we 'd been friends for a couple of months or so ( and he 'd borrowed quite a bit more money off me ) , I confessed to him that I was being persecuted by a thug called Dudley .
5 ‘ We 'd been friends for 30 years but ‘ discovered ’ each other when Misia became a widow .
6 They 'd been friends , companions , they 'd got on well together , but , now that she knew what real love was , she knew that she had never for one moment loved him .
7 I think we would have been friends .
8 In a better place and time , we 'd have been friends .
9 Paige felt sorry for her ; they could so easily have been friends , but for Lori 's jealousy .
10 If the Headmaster had discovered he had been friends with the Bookman all along , he was in deep , deep trouble .
11 From this it may be judged that the Chauncys had been friends of the Blencowe family , and that a reference from Susanna Jennens carried weight with them .
12 David McKay had lived three cottages up and had been friends with their Pet .
13 They had been friends for eight long years , and now they had reached the parting of the ways .
14 She had been friends with Annie long enough to know when she was holding back on her .
15 They had been friends when he was grown up .
16 A Jewish woman Sarah had been friends with , before the war , used to say to her , ‘ When your children are young they tread on your feet .
17 It had been a bitter pill to swallow , and she had made her feelings plain to the man her husband had been friends with since his childhood .
18 Asked for her views on the exhibition , one elderly woman who had been friends with many of the Expressionists described it as ‘ both exciting and deeply moving ’ .
19 She kindly wrote me a letter after the first television programme about me , since her family and mine had been friends for years .
20 It was also established that the Jews had been friends of the inhabitants of Pergamum in the time of Abraham ( Ant .
21 Stephen had been friends with her then .
22 He had been friends while they talked in the spinney , and while they made the dam on the stream and read their paperbacked books after they 'd eaten their sandwiches .
23 The Davises had originally come from Grenada and the Carlsons had got to know them because their eldest child and Daryl had been friends at school .
24 After a heart-to-heart talk , she had gently ordered him home for the rest of the week , and since that time they had been friends in a reserved sort of way .
25 They had been friends for two years , best friends Jessica might have said , with her formal , respectable private education in County Down , but some of their actions and their attitudes were miles apart , centuries , planets .
26 They had been friends for long enough , they 'd been to school together for a little while until geography had pushed them apart , then they 'd met up again as older teenagers , both interested in bars and snooker , then in girls .
27 It 's already heard that he and Greg Price had been friends .
28 I 've been friends for a few years with the head stalker of Corrour estate , Ted Piggott , and his wife Theresia .
29 ‘ One good turn deserves another , you know , and we 've been friends long enough to act neighbourly , have n't we , Albert ? ’
30 Odd — I 've never dreamt about Cal , even though we 've been friends ever since we sat next to each other the first day I walked into that school .
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