Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun] must [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think you might find a situation quite clearly where you would find a child behaving in such a way in the classroom that it was being disruptive to himself , disruptive to teachers , disruptive to , to his classmates , and therefore the , the first move must be in a direction of rearranging that behaviour so that there could develop a situation in which you might do something about the learning difficulty .
2 Further to Micheal Meacher 's article on the censorship of whistleblower ( ‘ Shut up or get out ’ , 1 May ) , nurses , midwives and health visitors are clearly enjoined by their regulatory body , the United Kingdom Central Council ( UKCC ) , that their first loyalty must be to their patients or clients .
3 ‘ A clinician 's first duty must be to the patient , ’ said one .
4 Against such a challenge the first step must be for the professional body , i.e. the Library Association , to exercise its authority on its professional membership .
5 However , the first step must be for us to achieve recognition at the level of official LEA policy that special educational provision begins with what the regular class teacher is doing in the classroom , and that the first responsibility of special needs teachers is to help class teachers meet special needs themselves .
6 Our last concern must be with the politics of economic development in West Belfast .
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