Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun] and [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 This weakness in Mancini 's argument has , however , gone unremarked , largely because most commentators have chosen to emphasize Mancini 's second point and argue that the real reason for what happened was Woodville hostility to Gloucester .
2 This weakness in Mancini 's argument has , however , gone unremarked , largely because most commentators have chosen to emphasize Mancini 's second point and argue that the real reason for what happened was Woodville hostility to Gloucester .
3 The next issue reported the second debate and suggested that a model would help MPs to understand the scheme .
4 The monitor hypothesis This is a development of the first hypothesis and suggests that acquisition processes create the utterances in a second language ( producing fluency ) , but learning monitors this production .
5 The Select Committee recommended the first course and said that the life sentence should be interpreted and administered in the same way as the sentence to which a reprieved murderer is subject at present .
6 I gave him a draft of the first chapter and explained that I wanted it to be the sort of book that would sell in airport book stalls .
7 The number was extremely complicated so realising that completion would take some time , he took out advertisements a year before of the first performance and announced that bookings would be accepted for the unseen act .
8 The GP visited again 10 days after his first call and asked that I continue to review the wound regularly and alter the dressings as necessary .
9 of the first thing and fixing that in your mind and then well you ca n't keep abreast of how much .
10 We will assign any node j for which or is basic to the first generation and say that the parent of j is 1 , writing P(j) = 1 .
11 Does he incorporate the votes of everyone who voted Labour or Liberal Democrat at the last election and use that as part of his mandate to enforce his unwanted policies on the Scottish people ?
12 The special is timed for an 8.00pm departure from Waterloo to comply with the ban on daylight running over the third rail and to ensure that there is no diesel pilot .
13 We have reviewed the final text of the Memorandum prior to its release to third parties and confirm that to the best of our knowledge and belief it is true and accurate in all material respects and is both clear and not misleading .
14 The Sunday Express speculated about the next primate and thought that Ramsey probably ruled himself out by his partisan behaviour in attending the eucharistic congress .
15 I arrived here last night and heard that Catherine is ill .
16 I phoned a customer last night and said that the system should be done by the latest I would think next Monday like , you know ?
17 Had a look at the records last night and saw that Sterland scored 5 goals in the Div II championship and 7 in the 20-odd matches he played in the Div I Championship .
18 The union was concerned by the rate of job cuts , with 7,000 due by the end of next month and reports that another 20,000 could go in the following year .
19 The amnesty is particularly good news for Houghton , who picked up his second yellow card of the qualifying tournament in Malta last month and feared that he could miss the opening game in Italy .
20 The amnesty is particularly good news for Houghton , who picked up his second yellow card of the qualifying tournament in Malta last month and feared that he could miss the opening game in Italy .
21 Pastor Szalatnay was in Transylvania last month and says that the atmosphere among local Hungarian intellectuals is one of expectation .
22 Will the Government reciprocate President Yeltsin 's announcement last week and declare that British nuclear missiles will no longer be targeted on Russian cities or any cities in the former Soviet republics , including Moscow ?
23 The other article herewith was in the Times Ed last week and suggests that the Govt. will start to get heavy over the Tests if people do n't comply , and especially so if they are antagonistic .
24 Incidentally , I cycled past the Royal Palace at 2 a.m. the next morning and saw that all the flags had been taken down except ours — a gesture of regal solidarity , perhaps ? !
25 The man , who police believe is instrumental in many UFF attacks , said the organisation had been flooded with young people wanting to join since the UDA was banned last August and said that only one major UFF terrorist unit had been lost in security force operations in the last two years .
26 To illustrate , we will reconsider the last example and assume that the individual did not close his position after five days but waited for the last trading day which was the following day .
27 The speaker must monitor what it is that he has just said , and determine whether it matches his intentions , while he is uttering his current phrase and monitoring that , and simultaneously planning his next utterance and fitting that into the overall pattern of what he wants to say and monitoring , moreover , not only his own performance but its reception by his hearer .
28 Beveridge , however , studied the German experiment more closely during the next year and concluded that the contributory insurance principle could not only reduce costs ; it could also eliminate reliance on means tests . ’
29 The contrast between nature and architecture here was too much indeed for the ungenerous Hippolyte Taine , who came here on his Journey to the Pyrenees in the middle of the last century and wrote that ‘ One finds it grotesque that a bit of hot water should have brought cuisine and civilization into these declivities . ’
30 I bear this in mind for my next visit and reflect that I am already learning and making mental notes about this hitherto unfished — by me at any rate — stretch of river .
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