Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun] of [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Anti-suburbanism continues to be a strand in American feminist thinking ; in Women and the American City , Susan Saegert suggests that suburbs are bad for women and good for men ( Saegert , 1981 ) while Betty Friedan 's classic of the second wave of feminism The Feminine Mystique ( Friedan , 1963 ) and its fictionalised version in Marilyn French 's The Women 's Room ( French , 1978 ) have popularised the American feminist revolt against suburban life .
2 Then according to Newton 's second law of motion the acceleration a of this mass is given by .
3 For over a week government forces were unable to crush guerrilla-style resistance , but the army remained loyal and by the second half of December the workers , movement was clearly on the retreat .
4 Each party to the conference , including the Palestinian representation , was understood to have received during the second half of October a separate " letter of assurances ' from the US government .
5 By the second half of February the Germans were beginning to be really worried by the advance — although slow — of the Allies and by the strong resistance of the partisans , so they decided to make a deal with the partisan leaders to save their own lives .
6 In the second half of September the Bavarian Cultural Ministry was still in discussion with the Fürstin over what should be included in the sale , with particular efforts being made to acquire , or cause to be withdrawn , items with strong Bavarian or Regensburg connections .
7 The miniatures which decorate a volume of French poems and lais by Adenet le Roi , Marie de France and others , made in Paris for Marie de Brabant ( 1260–1321 ) , second wife of Philip the Fair , in about 1300 , appear to have furnished models copied by the English illuminator of the Arundel Psalter , which date from before 1339 .
8 During the second month of pregnancy the embryo increases from about 5 to around 30 millimetres in length .
9 By the second year of life the child is capable of physical independence to a marked degree .
10 In the second year of recovery the recurrent cravings have mostly subsided and people in recovery develop progressively more insight into the nature of addictive disease in general and their own addictive disease in particular and also into the true , broader , meaning of recovery as something more than mere avoidance of previous addictive substances or behaviour .
11 Such was the fate of Charles of Aquitaine , second son of Charles the Bald : horribly wounded , he lingered on , to die two years later .
12 In one set of trials the type of match required was varied from trial to trial while in a second set of trials the same match was required for a fixed number of stimulus presentations .
13 They 'd set his hand and cast it , and then after a second set of plates a week later they 'd broken off the cast and operated .
14 John , who is a full time shift worker , has been polishing off most the Peak 's F8a+ in good time , having also recently red-pointed Boat Boys , Chimes of Freedom as well as making the 6th ascent of Zeke the Freak ( F8b ) .
15 Of particular interest in the mouse is the observation that up to the 8th day of gestation the isolated embryonic region will give rise to transplantable tumours when placed beneath the testis or kidney capsule ( 16,17 ) .
16 At around the 18th and 19th day of pregnancy the individual conceptuses can be felt as small spheres .
17 Now in its 4th year of production the BFI New Directors scheme is firmly established as an important way of locating new film and television makers .
18 And by the fourth issue of Oz the plaudits were beginning to outnumber the brickbats .
19 From the start of the fourth round of negotiations the Palestinian strategy was aimed largely at halting settlements in the territories .
20 From the day of the first admission of patients no fewer than 90 persons had applied for medical relief .
21 At the end of the first hour of prayer the Sergeant who had branded Lexandro — Sergeant Zed Juron — summoned him and Valence and Tundrish and another cadet , Omar Akbar , the number that would make a squad of Scouts , in fact .
22 Though I do not desire to stray into fields where others here are expert , I must point out that according to the first chapter of Genesis the world was so constituted from the beginning that good and evil were created together in it , and also that the knowledge of them existed before mankind .
23 Throughout the first half of January the French government maintained close contacts with Algeria , Germany , Morocco , the Soviet Union , Spain and Yugoslavia .
24 This , it was argued , suggested that in the first years of life the two hemispheres have similar linguistic abilities and that the left side became dominant only as speech itself developed .
25 At the first sign of rot the vigneron removes some of the outer foliage , exposing the vine to the drying effect of direct sunlight and improved aeration , and sprays with copper sulphate .
26 At the first sign of danger the bittern adopts a rigid , stiffly erect posture , making itself almost invisible in the vegetation around its nest .
27 Cargill Agriculture 's Cambridgeshire-based Philip Simpson saw the first sample of Torrent a week ago .
28 Right from the first day of term the two of them started wandering round together during the morning-break and in the lunch-hour .
29 From that first manifestation of life the evolutionary processes continued all through the countless ages of this Second Period , that is , the period from the beginnings of life to the dawn of civilisation , and life developed by virtue of the laws of survival as disclosed by the Darwinian school .
30 In the first week of September the Royal Mail accepted the challenge from Glasgow City Mission to build a Crisis Centre for women and children in need .
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