Example sentences of "with his love " in BNC.

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1 We now await His Spirit to fill us with His love .
2 It is nothing to do with his love life or his own business but a lot of money is involved . ’
3 To their extraordinary stories we Christians can add another , of a man on a cross , whose body is twisted in the shape of God 's pain , and whose eyes blaze with his love and his anger at one and the same time .
4 The two men , who both came from a small village in Lithuania , almost hero-worshipped the handsome Italian with his love of liquor and of women .
5 He dwells on the dilemma that he inherited along with his love for this man that he questions as sympathy .
6 US President-elect Bill Clinton drives his friends round the bend with his love of speed on the roads .
7 His self-promotional skills combined with his love of sport and the arts made him a popular choice in his new fields .
8 This puts any deep analysis out of the question and Rassendyll can remain the conventional , generalised preux chevalier which the story demands , dying with his honour intact but with his love unachieved .
9 The prince sent it to her with his love , just like that .
10 His heart , which had never been touched before , was filled completely with his love for her .
11 He looked down at the woman kneeling by his side and felt his chest tighten with his love for her .
12 He stopped moving , just pushed harder into her , held her with his love and waited for her .
13 She stood silent , not knowing that he was struggling with his love for her .
14 With His love in our hearts , we can help others to find their freedom in Jesus , so that
15 All of the courage , the new-found confidence which Dr Neil had given her , with his love , drained away from Sally-Anne at the sight of Dr Neil 's face when Havvie told him who she was .
16 And then he entered her and she felt the sudden glorious thrust of possession as together they reached the pinnacle of pleasure and he took her heart and soul forever — with his love .
17 Surely Gaston de Rochefort with his love of history could see that ?
18 Most people on the ‘ Carry Ons ’ seemed to think that it was quite nice having Ken around , which assuredly had a lot to do with his love of the series .
19 From then on , as though that had conjured up a bleak picture of him never having a life with his love , he began to sound quite despairing .
20 If we come before God sorry for our wrongdoings we will always be met with his love and forgiveness , no matter what .
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