Example sentences of "[adj -er] number of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably , the Met only wants to put a limited number of TAFs on the system in order to save money and work ( it costs more to have a larger number of pages for your ‘ area ’ on the Prestel database ) .
2 Obviously the government intends to hold a larger number of women in detention in the future .
3 The specialist team closed a larger proportion of cases within six months , and the specialist worker kept open a strikingly larger number of cases beyond nine months .
4 Coleman and her team studied over 4,000 blocks of flats and a slightly larger number of houses in two areas of London ( Southwark and Tower Hamlets ) and , for comparison , a council estate on the south-east side of Oxford , all in the context of a regard for flats and houses in many settings elsewhere .
5 The larger number of subjects in the recognition phase for each stimulus increases the reliability of signal detection measures calculated for individual stimuli so these measures were calculated immediately rather than using hit rate for further analyses .
6 The argument was that the agreement kept a larger number of booksellers in business and maintained the number of books published , particularly those of literary and scholarly merit .
7 The company was , however wound up , and it was revealed that a larger number of stocks in its listings had rarely changed hands .
8 The building industry has today an appreciably larger number of men at work than in the years immediately before 1939 , though probably rather a smaller percentage of the total are building new houses .
9 The higher incidence of perforation in the present study is due to a larger number of patients with corrosive strictures which are technically more difficult to dilate .
10 On a mixed farm , there would be a larger number of buildings for cattle , while on a pastoral farm the reduced need for waggon horses caused the stables to be small and there would be little accommodation for crops .
11 The report linked a higher-than-normal number of cases among children in rural parts of Scotland to the development of the North Sea oil industry .
12 Frequent use of search was often marked by a period of experimentation with a variety of firms in the first instance , followed by a settling down to regular work with a smaller number of firms with whom the client had achieved a modus vivendi .
13 The greater part of the book is devoted to descriptions of the many climbing routes on the several peaks of Mount Kenya , and the smaller number of routes on Kilimanjaro and its satellite Mawenzi .
14 Erm , I 've also got a rather smaller number of copies of ev Evolvematic notes if you wan na do Evolvematic , which I also demonstrated briefly .
15 Speaking after a meeting with EC Finance Ministers in Luxembourg he envisaged that a smaller number of countries with low inflation ( France , West Germany , Belgium , Netherlands and Luxembourg ) would enter a European central banking system and that others who had not reached the same degree of economic convergence , or were not ready to give up sufficient sovereignty rights , would be invited to enter later .
16 Standard English used to be restricted in this way : if we look at Standard English as an historical dialect , then we find that 200 years ago it had a much smaller number of speakers in England , and had nothing like the geographical spread it has nowadays .
17 It proved unworkable because the smaller number of enquiries in rural districts meant that experience was never gained and the lack of anonymity within small communities meant that the enquiry rate was unlikely to increase .
18 The absence of this association might be due to the smaller number of subjects in our study .
19 Turnover rose from £424.2 million to £521.8 million , while earnings per share fell only 2 per cent , from 40p to 39.2p , because of the smaller number of shares in issue .
20 We have already seen several speakers — Susan , Stephen and Joan — whose " Patois " seems to consist of a larger or smaller number of adaptations of LE in the direction of JC .
21 A study to determine if excellent metabolic control reduced the mortality from myocardial infarction in patients with diabetes was disappointingly negative ( Gwilt et al , 1984 ) , but a similar study on a smaller number of patients in Scotland showed considerable benefit ( Clark et al , 1985 ) indicating the need for further investigation .
22 The higher number of births from the mid-1950s and through the 1960s inevitably meant more pensioners sixty years on .
23 It is also of note that there was a higher proportion of gastric and duodenal ulcers in the group of miners , and there was a significantly higher number of miners with the premalignant histological lesions of dysplasia and intestinal metaplasia compared with the general population .
24 Instances such as this support the question that a higher number of women in public positions would significantly improve the position of women in society .
25 This revealed a higher number of referrals to the psychogeriatric service for people in Newham than in Ipswich ( understandable in view of the fact that Newham has a larger elderly population : approximately 28,500 people over 65 compared with 18,800 in Ipswich ) .
26 It is solicitors , not barristers , who conduct much the greater number of cases in the lesser courts — county courts and magistrates ' courts .
27 A strong stimulus induces the passage of a greater number of impulses per second than a weaker one .
28 Presumably we would only be in a position to be considering an investigator if both , we had a erm a greater number of complaints from around the Commission coming into York , and i and further members of staff were to leave .
29 After all , some dot matrix printers can actually produce a greater number of dots per inch than a page printer , it 's just that they are bigger dots and tend to overlap .
30 Now working in a larger kitchen and with more staff than in his previous position as head chef at Turner 's restaurant in London , he is able to produce more intricate dishes with a greater number of components to them .
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