Example sentences of "[adj -er] than it [is] now " in BNC.

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1 Well , th yes , well that 's it , they are going facing the station and it used to be so much prettier than it is now .
2 But it has never been easier than it is now
3 Unemployment may still be rising quite sharply ; underlying inflation will not be much lower than it is now ; sterling may need to be supported by a rise in interest rates .
4 A mere 18,000 years ago , the sea was 280 ft ( 85 m ) lower than it is now .
5 a lot bigger than it is now
6 Oh a lot better than it is now
7 In March last year , moroever , the German currency was weaker than it is now .
8 As yesterday 's solidly-argued report to the Scottish Office by a Glasgow University team demonstrates , procedures in social work and housing departments for identifying , assessing and helping the young homeless were drawn up when the problem was much smaller than it is now .
9 But nothing so romantic ever transpired there , and the coffee was as bad as railway coffee has always been , and much worse than it is now .
10 Those who are asking for that — many voices , including important voices , in Northern Ireland are asking for it — would create a situation for everybody in Northern Ireland that would be far worse than it is now and , God knows , it is bad enough at present .
11 Well it 's always been an awful lot worse than it is now .
12 Most researchers expect global temperatures to have experienced about half the predicted equilibrium temperature by the 2030s , that is , 1–2 C warmer than it is now .
13 Indeed I think it is true to say the technical know-how required then was far greater than it is now .
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