Example sentences of "[adj -er] [noun sg] [subord] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That 's either a knife or a steel , yeah just a steel you sharpen and that 's a bigger steel than what they use , I 've got a big steeler now what I use and that 's what that would be a steel .
2 If there was flies and rats over every dead thing round here , we 'd have a bigger problem than what we 've got . ’
3 That , too , was on a larger scale than anything she had ever known .
4 A mind like hers had never been trained to encompass a vast concept or to accommodate any larger vision than what she could see with half-closed eyes .
5 Their plots and theatrical effects reveal a deeper wisdom than they themselves could verbalize .
6 If there 's a younger referee than me it 'll prove that someone has got real guts .
7 he reckons I make better pastry than what I .
8 That car better condition than what my o , my one was .
9 and he 's never had a better job than what he had at Widnes , I 'll tell you !
10 I wonder if your people there could give a better answer than what we could .
11 They take their place in better shape than they themselves would have been without the privilege of working a 12 step programme .
12 Leroy Burrell , whose storming second leg set up the Yanks for their 37.40 seconds power show in the relay , commented : ‘ Carl is in better shape than anybody who came to Barcelona .
13 ALTHOUGH the Hungarian restaurants in which I ate did achieve a far higher standard than anything I encountered in Prague , almost all had in common a poor sense of presentation and good ingredients were often spoiled by ignorance and negligence .
14 Do you think the younger generation are in a worse position than what you were in when you started work ?
15 I wished I could , for I could n't forget that what she had said had seemed significant , and of greater , stronger import than anything she had said since she had come back .
16 There is nobody in a stronger position than someone who is doing a good job of work for nothing , especially when his employer is stingy and congenitally idle .
17 Well it 's low this is lower cost than what we 're doing currently , we 're giving away , we 're getting nothing only a cost of of twenty five quid on the seat .
18 It may well be accepted that a person who is deported should have greater protection than one who is refused entry , or that a person whose permit has expired has a lesser interest than one whose permit is revoked .
19 That inexcusable act probably speaks with greater clarity than anything I could say about his true character .
20 Let me repeat Edmund Burke 's remark : ‘ Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little . ’
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