Example sentences of "[adj -er] [noun] [prep] [noun] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The two office designs were each to have a first premium of £800 , a second of £500 , a third of £300 , a fourth of £200 and three further premiums of £100 each .
2 Antarctic Treaty nations have failed to approve a recommendation to turn the continent into a " world park " , but they agreed to discuss draft proposals for an " environmental protocol " at a further meeting in April this year .
3 The growth of coastal shipping to compensate for the inadequacies of land transport encouraged the further development of ports such as Sakai , near Osaka .
4 There were further allegations in September that government troops were killing Kurdish civilians and reporting these deaths as those of " terrorists " killed in combat .
5 A further cause of marginalising such programmes is the problem of ghetto hours .
6 Further openings are to be found in teaching at various levels and , in addition , biologists are well qualified to take up further training in areas such as production management and scientific information services .
7 It 's a very physically demanding business ; dancing is a wonderful way of keeping in training and also gives you a bigger scope in theatre these days .
8 Choosing healthier versions of food such as lower-fat sausages or chips is another way of making meals a bit healthier and how you cook food makes a difference too — grilling or baking instead of roasting or frying , for instance .
9 The tell-tale signs are pin holes and dust in both soft- and hardwoods ; the mighty deathwatch beetle leaves larger holes in hardwoods such as elm and oak .
10 We are making progress with giftware sales in the USA with some of the newer , larger items in patterns such as Clio and Humming Birds .
11 This implies a more elaborate division of labour : horizontally , in terms of there being larger numbers of people each doing different jobs at the work-place ; and also vertically , as new jobs are created among white-collar workers to co-ordinate and control the various semi-skilled or unskilled workers — a task made necessary because of the deliberate fragmentation of that labour .
12 So when price inflation is extraordinarily high , but interest rates lag behind , customers who can get the cheaper forms of credit such at bank loans ( and that usually means relatively richer people ) may actually be able to beat inflation by borrowing : for them , it is a question of buying now and paying less later .
13 His interest in Roman remains was minimal , and in any case his ears ( incipient otosclerosis , his personal physician had diagnosed ) seemed to be filling up with thicker and thicker wads of cotton-wool each day .
14 Oh … a better sort of fire this time , she said , as the sky was momentarily lit with pink and green light , punctuated by golden falling stars .
15 As for the Blue Skies criteria , we may imagine that a better understanding of photosynthesis either may lead to , say , better synthetic devices ; or to new insights into control engineering , leading say to advances in the control of complex fermentation processes .
16 It is also becoming increasingly obvious that the company is needing to meet onerous legal requirements and indeed , our own commitment to better standards in areas such as Health & Safety , Quality Management , environmental matters , transport and training .
17 And it was a better class of oak all through .
18 Ernst August benefited from the failure of his three older brothers to father any legitimate sons , and , from prince-bishop of Osnabrück in 1661 , he progressed to Duke of Calenberg ( 1679 ) and elector of Hanover ( 1692 ) .
19 Such views are reinforced by the neglect of older people in areas such as education and training .
20 This gradually changed the atmosphere to the composition that it has today and allowed the development of higher forms of life such as fish , reptiles , mammals , and ultimately the human race .
21 A curious feature has evolved concerning teacher-training for community languages : on the one hand there has been no initial training provision within Education Departments in Higher Education for languages such as Bengali , Gujarati and so on .
22 Profits are lower and earnings are lower than last year , but cash generation which we 've been working particularly hard on er for the past couple of years er and which we will be talking about further in a minute has come through extremely well er and we produced higher levels of cash this year than at any time in the company 's history .
23 The only way in which this ambiguity can be resolved is by appealing to higher levels of information such as syntax , semantics , pragmatics and general knowledge .
24 In the higher stages of communism each individual , freed from the compulsory roles of class-divided societies , will be capable of realizing his or her ( presumably natural ) potential .
25 These carry a higher risk of complications such as radiation swelling or fibrosis , which can in turn lead to obstruction and may even require permanent colostomy .
26 He felt that the market reached its lowest point in the first half of last year and that a number of signs now pointed to returning confidence : a low unsold ( bi ) rate of 13% ( by value ) so far this year as compared to 21% for this time last year , together with stronger bidding in sales this year .
27 For a longer break for carers such as holidays , a new idea growing in popularity is a family placement scheme for elderly people which works in a similar way to short-term fostering for children and teenagers .
28 Thus we can see how Germany 's pro-natalist policies had a greater measure of success those in Italy .
29 But the measure seems certain to be killed off later in its parliamentary passage as ministers are planning to publish their own proposals for greater openness in government this summer .
30 We will reform company law to require greater disclosure of information such as expenditure on research and development .
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