Example sentences of "[Wh pn] was [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus it was that Philip VI , who was not without military skill and experience , felt obliged to seek out and , if possible , defeat the English king and his Norman supporters .
2 One such person was John Devoy , who was associated with the Irish Republican Brotherhood and who was also in close touch with the Germans , so he arranged for supplies of arms to be shipped to Ireland .
3 Matilda 's uncle , William Rufus ( who was far from prudent ) , never married ; her father waited till he had acquired the English throne , and then , at the age of thirty-two , instantly sought the hand of a Scots princess descended from the Old English line .
4 ( Darli Alves da Silva was on Aug. 10 , 1989 , charged by a judge in Xapuri with ordering the murder of Chico Mendes while his son , Darcy Pereira da Silva , and Jardeir Pereira , who was still at large , were charged with committing the murder . )
5 It was easier going for Hugh who was now in great pain , but Marian and Allen became more watchful and uneasy because the most uncertain and dangerous of all possible enemies , man , was near .
6 And another horseman passed by who was all in black his cloak , his horse , and his reins ; and night fell again .
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