Example sentences of "[Wh pn] had be [v-ing] [det] " in BNC.

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1 They were the two he had talked to on the previous search , the ones who had been taking such pains with the dovecot .
2 A STABLE lad who had been drinking all day took a colleague 's car and smashed it through a wall .
3 The ideas carried in the individual features , including an end to mass unemployment , a planned economy , a comprehensive system of social security and health care , a clean sweep of all that was old-fashioned and squalid in housing and the urban legacy of the industrial revolution , and many more , represented a virtual glossary of progressive views current in the Britain of the 1930s and its contributors a fair cross-section of the high-minded and socially concerned individuals who had been advocating these and similar ideas well before the outbreak of war .
4 Ludens , who had been watching this face attentively for some time , could now however read in it signs of care , a wrinkling of the brow , not marked exactly in any lines of flesh but as a cloud poised , the mouth and eyes narrowing as in thought or pain , the hints of a perhaps imminent older face .
5 The results of the Concorde trial came as ‘ a considerable shock ’ , he says , particularly to those who had been expecting some positive outcome , however small .
6 Christian leaders who had been contemplating such a move have been backing off .
7 Mala , who had been doing some thinking of her own , looked at me uneasily .
8 His Celtic tones were complemented by those of Jim Naughtie himself , who had set up shop in an attic room of the Grand , but who had been spending much of the ‘ happy hour ’ between six and seven trawling for ‘ vox pop ’ .
9 She looked like a girl who had been tripping all night .
10 Also at the conference were two Australian ex-professional sprinters , John Dinan and Chris Perry , who had been running some fast times during the Antipodean summer .
11 Hector , who had been whining all the while , now crept back on to the bed and pushed his nose under the veined hand resting on the coverlet .
12 This had introduced them to mechanisms which suggested a terminology applicable to their own science making it possible for them at last to give the behaviourists , who had been giving those not of their ilk a hard time , some of their own medicine .
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