Example sentences of "[Wh pn] had [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Following Socrates , the young Plato ( 429–347 ) who had aspired to be a tragedian himself , repudiated tragedy and art in generals even burning his own plays .
2 He beat Boris Becker , the defending champion and a player who had appeared to be relaxed and in comfortable form , and then he beat Emilio Sanchez in one of the most outstanding matches in recent history .
3 One of the three students who had appeared to be missing , and then had turned up .
4 He was just a butcher 's son from Ipswich who had risen to be Lord Chancellor and leading churchman of England .
5 What did she know of this man who was now her husband , and what was to become of them , two strangers who had begun to be familiar with each other 's bodies but knew nothing of the thoughts and emotions that lay within .
6 The brew was so potent that several journalists , who had planned to be ‘ upcountry ’ watching the metal fly , instead spent most of the first day of the election in bed .
7 The pope , who had agreed to be godfather , had sent a Legate , Cardinal Patrizzi , to represent him at the christening , though the ceremony itself was performed by the Archbishop of Paris .
8 She looked into the eyes of this human peacock and found herself at a complete loss for words ; and he too seemed surprised by this girl who had agreed to be his bride : he looked up at her ( she was half a head taller than he ) in a way that she might have interpreted as hostile had she not been in too much of a turmoil herself to notice it .
9 A PROMISING tennis player of 14 was raped by her mother 's boyfriend who had offered to be her coach , a court heard yesterday .
10 He was described as ‘ a copycat rapist who had claimed to be the dreaded sex fiend nicknamed The Fox ’ ( Sun ) .
11 He felt a childish satisfaction in having that advantage on one who had claimed to be so well informed on such matters .
12 Rose and Mary were for once showing a united front and refused to leave the kitchen because they did n't quite like the way the young women from the town who had come to be waitresses were poking and prying into their cupboards with their noses in the air .
13 There was really very little to talk about , since they 'd seen each other at breakfast , so conversation became desultory once Irene had told Juliet about the other patients — the hysterectomies , the ovarian cyst as big as a football , and the girl who had come to be sterilised and was found to be pregnant .
14 This almost utopian-sounding conclusion — that niceness and forgivingness pay — came as a surprise to many of the experts , who had tried to be too cunning by submitting subtly nasty strategies ; while even those who had submitted nice strategies had not dared anything so forgiving as Tit for Two Tats .
15 He was wondering wildly what had happened to Auguste who had promised to be at his side when , as he fully expected , glasses of this revolting potion were flung over his head by the irate tasters .
16 ‘ Yes , ’ she breathed , ‘ oh , Havvie , yes , ’ and if , when he kissed her , with the perfect decorum with which a well brought up young peer should treat a single girl — even one who had promised to be his wife — she did not feel quite the surge of passion which she had expected , she put that down to her inexperience , and his tentative handling of her , which would change with time , she knew .
17 The nurses and the few mothers who had managed to be available on Christmas Eve sang ragged and loud .
18 To help her , she had a new maid , Teresa , older and more confident than Maria , who had left to be a nurse-maid .
19 A psychiatrist who specialises in executive stress thought the fencing indicated that the person it protected felt an enormous sense of isolation and betrayal at the hands of people who had failed to be grateful for years of selfless public service .
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