Example sentences of "[Wh pn] would [adv] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This was charity on a princely scale , but politically it further exasperated the king , who would rather have taken £500 with ill-will than nothing at all .
2 The most fertile birth cohort of women since the 1920s has been the women born around 1937 , who would mostly have married by the early 1960s .
3 The ankle muscles were holding the foot in an almost normal position — oblivious to the fact that the joints had nothing to rest on , that this was a classic case of a boy who would normally have ended up with a club foot .
4 The massive stone structure has acquired a mature and acceptable appearance in these days of so much brick and concrete , and it is one of the ironies of the philosophy of conservation that the blessed bridge which Ruskin regarded as a monstrous intrusion into a beautiful natural scene should , a hundred years later , have been noisily protected from demolition by the very people who would presumably have sided with Ruskin in wishing to preserve the landscape .
5 Furthermore , evidence was described to support their contention that the events were of formative importance , and were not merely serving to trigger depression in a woman who would shortly have become depressed anyway .
6 By 1918 there were many Labour Party parliamentarians and trade unionists who would willingly have excluded the ILP from the party , were it not that opposition to the war had spread quite widely and had partly justified the ILP position .
7 In London , the Compact has been so successful that children who would previously have left as soon as they reached the school-leaving age of sixteen , are deciding to stay on at school to take further exams .
8 They say drug-abusing mothers who would previously have had an abortion are bearing sickly babies with low chances of survival .
9 None of the companies we spoke to would forecast how many cars they aim to sell in 1993 , nor how many customers who would previously have bought kits are expected to switch to type-approved cars .
10 ( Guardian 25.6.90 ) since he now feared , that as with previous alternatives to custody , the new measures would be used instead for people who would previously have avoided jail .
11 The introduction of antibiotics saved the lives of many who would previously have died , but their use has produced new and complex problems .
12 More and more doctors are facing the same sort of dilemma , as the proportion of elderly people increases in Britain and medical advances make it possible to keep alive patients who would previously have died .
13 It 's been hell shut up in that cottage with two women who would both have braved the weather to come up here to see how you were if I had n't been on hand to stop them . ’
14 This is not so much because John Hart , the Malvern College schoolmaster , and his nine colleagues would have otherwise found themselves paying a hefty tax bill on the concessionary school places given to their sons eight years ago ; nor is it so much because of the thousands of other employees who would also have faced tax bills for other concessionary benefits .
15 Even Crosland took it for granted , in trying to disarm those critics who argued that comprehensives would damage standards , that pupils who would have gone to grammar schools would of course still be taught with those of their contemporaries who would also have gone to grammar schools .
16 A few days before the broadcast I had been counselling one man in his early twenties who would also have issued the same warning .
17 This area of the holiday business is a growth area — which is good news for the many scholars who would formerly have worked only for universities and can now supplement their incomes as tour guides .
18 It is even possible that now and again an extra long detour may have caused us to walk below the windows of Braemar Mansions ( ‘ not mansions , ’ wrote Ivy , ‘ but converted out of houses ’ ) , little knowing that there sat the sibyl who would completely have understood all our troubles .
19 While this is due in small measure to the axing of TOPS awards and the establishment of new courses leading to post-graduate diplomas which have attracted students who would otherwise have enrolled on a DMS course , the main reason has been the decline in the economy which has resulted in few companies being willing to sponsor students to undertake the course .
20 The result [ of legal advice ] is that in many cases a detainee who would otherwise have answered proper questioning by the police will be advised to remain silent .
21 the successful candidate will feel a greater sense of confidence about his/her future in the company if the person for whom he/she works ( who would otherwise have made the selection ) leaves or retires .
22 On the Government 's own figures , over 30% of those who would otherwise have received legal aid next year would lose it as a result of the proposed changes .
23 The Libyan Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation Secretary Ibrahim Bashari claimed on April 27 that the air embargo had led to the deaths of " hundreds of children " who would otherwise have received medical treatment abroad or who had been deprived of vaccines which had to be imported .
24 The plan to limit entitlement under the green form scheme may result in detained people who would otherwise have secured a discharge remaining on a section .
25 They say the airlift has brought new hope to people who would otherwise have faced a bleak future .
26 Accordingly , it is evident that a gift of such significance could have been of no small value to a freeholder or councillor who would otherwise have found difficulty in endowing a relative so generously at the commencement of his career .
27 This will depend whether ( a ) the Nissan cars are for export to the EC , ( b ) they are sold in the UK to customers who would otherwise have purchased an imported car or ( c ) they are sold in the UK to customers who would otherwise have bought a car produced in the UK by one of the other UK manufacturers .
28 The so-called Helsinki warning , also dismissed as unreliable ( and apparently for better reason ) , had at least saved the lives of those who would otherwise have occupied the vacant seats on Flight 103 .
29 The main ‘ problem ’ caused by the pesticide that is questioned by Mr Erlichman in his article is that millions of people are alive today throughout the Third World who would otherwise have died from insect-borne diseases or from starvation because insects destroyed their crops .
30 Much of this work on animals was done in Oxford and has led to radical improvements in the transplantation of kidney , liver , bone-marrow and hearts in human patients who would otherwise have died .
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