Example sentences of "[Wh pn] i [vb base] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That was where I met and still meet the only person I 'd call a friend ; Jamie the dwarf , whom I let sit on my shoulders so he can see the bands .
2 So , I 've always liked Boyd & Evans whom I 've thought of a photo-surrealists , though they are n't any longer .
3 Please excuse me — I 'm off for a refill ’ , ‘ I 'm enjoying our chat , but I 've just seen someone whom I need to speak to urgently . ’
4 As he said : ‘ If I 'm deciding on whom I want to live with for fifty years — well , that 's the last decision I want my head to be ruled by my heart . ’
5 He said : ‘ If I 'm deciding whom I want to live with for 50 years — well , that 's the last decision in which I would want my head to be entirely ruled by my heart ’ .
6 And the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the Earth …
7 I am sure that my hon. and gallant Friend , whom I have known for many years and for whom I have a great affection , would agree that about half the best people are women .
8 The one-eyed porter whom I have known from childhood ; the station-master who ranges us all in ranks , beginning with the Duke and ending with a sad , frayed and literary man ; the little chaise in which the two old ladies from Barlton drive up to get their paper of an evening , the servant from the inn , the newsboy whose mother keeps a sweetshop — they are all my friends .
9 Will my hon. Friend — with his hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State , with whom I have corresponded on the matter — undertake to consider further how a housing association might help with the difficult and complex problem faced by owner-occupiers in Galmington in Taunton , whose homes were built in a non-traditional manner just after the war and who can not now sell those homes ?
10 Borjon 's Traité de la musette establishes that a father and his two sons , whom I have shown to be Jean I and his sons , Martin and Jean fils aîń , worked together in instrument making .
11 Despite much discussion these days of the ‘ entrepreneurial personality , ’ few of the entrepreneurs with whom I have worked during the last 30 years had such personalities .
12 Comparing it with my friends who I 've worked with for years , who are most expensive sort of fair enough .
13 His tone is friendly but the questions are direct : where I 've been , who I 've talked to , what I 'm doing that day .
14 And if we 've got the project quality plan right there should n't be any problems or queries and it did remind me of this Australian er project manager , who I 've mentioned to one or two other people over lunch , who used to sit in a great , a great office , running multimillion pounds ' project and when people came in to complain to him , he used to refer them to the plaque on the wall which said R T F C.
15 ‘ There 's one with a wall-eye and a wart on her nose who I swear goes to more first nights than we do … ’
16 erm local government , and I regret this , is probably going that way in that the demands upon Councillors are getting more and more , and for various reasons it is getting more and more difficult to find now in local government what I would call the amateur who who I think predominated in it , certainly outside the cities , up to nineteen seventy four .
17 I 'm just waiting to see who I have to thank for it . ’
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