Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have [vb pp] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr Koogan ? ’ she began , remembering the ‘ former army boxing champion ’ who had shooed away the Sun reporter during one of Puddephat 's previous sallies into the public print .
2 Then while the Sassanian dynasty was emerging in its turn , following the Parthians who had swept away the Seleucid regime that ruled both Mesopotamia and the lands farther east after the break-up of Alexander 's vast empire in the fourth century BC , the scene was set for the emergence of Islam .
3 He asked if I was a friend of the other young chap who had made exactly the same enquiry of him ten days ago . ’
4 Gray , who had tucked away the penalty which set up Quakers ' promotion to the Third Division only a few weeks before , had never managed a club , and by Christmas it was becoming clear that , while a likeable character , he was not in the same class as his predecessor .
5 First of all I was invited to lunch in Leeds and they sent the helicopter for me , piloted by Captain John Leeson , who had done all the flying for the aerial shots in the film .
6 At last , the man who had done all the talking said that while he , speaking for the I.R.A. , was grateful for the support offered , they Bert and Jasper — must realise that the I.R.A .
7 He reversed out of the parking space , and Fran fixed a determined smile to her face — then gasped in dismay when the man who had done all the talking stepped into their path .
8 Numbers were small ; but a final case study approach revealed that for people who lived alone , had no informal carer who could manage all necessary care ; and had a high level of cognitive impairment , the Home Support Project was likely to prolong home care beyond that of those who had received only the usual services .
9 He established a dummy Swiss company , Lake Resources Inc , through which he laundered vast sums of cash from shady middlemen and arms dealers , right-wing American bigots , and the enormous profits out of the arms ' shipments to the Iranians , who had paid twice the going rate for what they bought .
10 Who had they been , those poor tragic people who had brought forth the twins who were to fulfil the sorceress 's prophecy ?
11 The success of the tennis in Seoul was the perfect answer to all those who had doubted either the need or even the efficacy of tennis once more becoming an Olympic sport .
12 Scotland Yard 's Special Branch officers , who had infiltrated both the Communist and Fascist movements , reported that the Communists were organising disruption as assiduously as the BUF was planning the details of the rally .
13 The Headmaster , who had helped direct the expedition from the ground , was reluctant to stop it just because one of his pupils was clinging helpless to some loose books and screaming his head off .
14 The more normal condition is that it will only be available to those shareholders of the target who have accepted both the share offer and the cash alternative not later than the first closing date .
15 The name Champagne comes from the Latin campagna , signifying open , unforested land : an ambiguous origin for those who have seen only the hilly vineyards of Champagne surmounted by forest .
16 The examiner can not give credit for irrelevancy , because that would be unfair to others who have answered only the question that they were asked .
17 Some , who have experienced only the old-style rote learning of facts and dates , may well believe that the subject is already educationally bankrupt and will take a great deal of persuading that history is not only educationally solvent and viable but is vital to the balance and well-being of the curricular economy of the 1990s .
18 But Mr Garrett said others who have taken only the three-hour assessment are responding to pursuits despite force guidelines prohibiting them .
19 George Bush calls the Iraqi missile attacks on Israel ‘ outrageous ’ while exalting the prowess of those who have thrown double the explosive power of the Hiroshima Bomb on Baghdad , not to liberate Kuwait , but to control the oil , and remind all Arab peoples that no one can defy the American will to become the world 's policemen now that the Soviet Union is not to be counted for as an opponent .
20 This conclusion is supported by the replies which Michael Müller-Claudius , formerly a psychologist , received to his unique , camouflaged small sample of opinion of sixty-one Party members ( all of whom had joined either the NSDAP or the Hitler Youth before 1933 ) in 1942 .
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