Example sentences of "[Wh pn] be [v-ing] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The company rapidly becomes divided into two companies , one of which comprises the hewers of wood and carriers of water who are toiling away and actually achieving the relatively little that the company can achieve ; while the others , a separate band , although quite possibly a band of high potential in actual business terms , are playing the game of political musical chairs .
2 Tenancy in common is usually preferred by couples who are living together and joint tenancy is favoured by married couples .
3 Appointees to established posts such as this one , who are living more than 20 miles from Oxford , will be eligible for relocation allowances .
4 And is that for children who are living there or just go in for the day ?
5 The narrative maximizes Stepan 's vulnerability , perching him on a platform amid the malcontents and troublemakers and the much larger number of those humble , obscure people who are enduring more or less passively the chaos of the fête .
6 However , it 's also most common among those who are earning more than £25,000 a year .
7 Where a minority within an ethnic minority successfully pursues a strategy of contest mobility , and rises to positions of relative power and affluence , the teleologies of roots radicalism can reassert the organic links binding those who are moving onwards and upwards to those still in the ghetto .
8 ‘ I can see one or two teams who are slipping out and I do n't think they 'll come back in .
9 I know , but what I mean is that when they see the city centre , the people who are walking up and down the city centre , they see all the national charities , they do n't necessarily feel that they 're organised in the same way and therefore that they should be participating , and the whole palaver of getting a licence and applying is actually quite difficult , it 's not a simple , it 's not something , we get numerous telephone calls in the office saying ‘ Well can I go out next Saturday and rattle a tin for such-and-such ’ , and you say ‘ Well , you ca n't ’ , and it 's left much too late , so that people do n't know about the way you get licenses to rattle tins in city centre .
10 So with it being conference time , we can get lots of companies who are turning up and giving conference presentations , lots of academic types .
11 If district councils in Northern Ireland are to have a meaningful role in promoting tourism and job creation within their areas , can the Secretary of State give us an assurance that he will ask the planners to deal more sympathetically with applications that have district council approval for facilities to cater for the tourists who are coming now and the many more that we expect in the future ?
12 Also , I mean one of the things that the Council is considering doing , I mean this interest , I know that other people from around this area come into Harlow , one of the things that the Council 's thinking about is erm , is charging , or has debated , charging different rates for people who are coming in than , than those who live here .
13 I mean clubs that are arranging fixtures will be responsible for telling , they 'll know where it is , and they 'll be responsible for telling people who are coming there where it is .
14 I mean i i i the these are individual peasants from a village who are standing up and taking the lead in criticizing landlords etcetera but , but they , they are not the Party cadres coming in from outside .
15 A BLIND eye is being turned to the number of children who are working illegally or are seriously underpaid , according to a report which is published today .
16 Very few of them , however , visit the backward , disadvantaged areas of these countries , and it is even less usual for them to be asked to share their own experience with those who are working there and comment critically on what they are doing .
17 However there are thousands and thousands of other people who are suffering silently because of the policies of the present government .
18 Does he agree that the serious deterioration of air quality in London arises mainly from increasing vehicle movements and that the best course would therefore be to improve public transport , reduce the number of cars going through London and ensure cleaner fuels and cleaner burn to preserve the health of our children , who are suffering grievously because of the increasing levels of pollution in central London ?
19 And she says it 's strange , but there 's no movement in the Conway Estate there 's usually a good turnover of people who 're moving in and out .
20 John Brown Engineering , the Crown Agent , Department of Trade and Industry officials et al , who were trying desperately and belatedly to hustle the Kuwaiti government-in-exile in Taif , picking over the bones left by their voracious American allies .
21 In fact , it was not until the German army invaded Holland on lo May 1940 , that any action was taken on behalf of the 26,000 non-Dutch Jews who were sheltering in and around Amsterdam .
22 And I un well as I understand it from , from , from the friends in Moscow their , their traditional industries are very archaic , they may have erm , the expertise in , in the armament section , but the other things , what they need is some of our engineers and we 've got a lot of engineers who were working overseas and at the moment are n't .
23 His eyes strayed to the rosy-cheeked children who were chattering happily and , to Meredith 's delight , he began to talk as if questioning his own feelings .
24 The import of the art of scrimshandering as a meditative pastime for the Imperial Fist chapter became more evident to Lexandro when , on a later occasion , he happened to pause near two Battle Brothers who were disputing courteously though passionately not far from the Librarium .
25 The police are now examining at total of thirty nine video tapes , from in-store security systems , and from members of the public who were filming in or near Milton Keynes shopping centre last week .
26 Hart listened to him for a few minutes , shouted hello to his brothers who were sitting outside and wished the boy luck .
27 They were wedged in with the patient herd of people who were shuffling slowly and quietly up the stairs to the foyer , but Mark talked in a clear , excited voice , as if oblivious of their presence .
28 Lydia and Betty said so , and when Lydia went into the village shop it was full of people who were saying so as well .
29 But I 'll have you know this cut-out lady is a woman in terrible pain ; a woman who 's leaving here because of a whim of her husband .
30 As a special mark of favour , Rainbow has brought Naomi to see the acting debut of a lesbian country-and-western heart-throb who 's branching out and sidling towards the big time .
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