Example sentences of "[Wh pn] be [adv] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 you make your sound and you carry on and on and on , I 'm gon na keep on taping different people 's make their sound and then we 're gon na see what it feels like you 're in hospital , okay , now it does n't matter if somebody 's got the same sound as somebody else , it 's no big deal , alright , because eventually they 'll all blend into each other , but as soon as I 've tapped you , make your sound , alright patients , come on where 's the machines ? okay , stop , now when did it start becoming out of hand ? , at one stage we did n't really know where we were to , once , once I say ten people , okay , and that was also due to the fact that we had perhaps too many erm patients moaning , alright , it was good in one respect because why , it made obvious that we were in a , a hospital well something like , but erm when you 're in smaller groups and you 're making your sound machines , obviously it 's much easier to control and to make the overall sound more realistic , do n't you think ? , so , mm , what we 're going to do is we 're going to get into different groups , into groups of four , five , no big deal , you 're welcome to only if you want to , and , you 're going to , each group is going to choose er a profession , okay , you can be brick layers , you can be er musicians , er you can be er gardener , I mean absolutely you can be factory workers , you can be absolutely anything , and what you 're going to do is you 're going to choose , each person will choose a sound which is represented of that particular person , er profession , okay , and you 'll going to make your sounds simultaneously so that as for the audience who are simply listening to you can just close our eyes cos we wo n't , you wo n't be acting you 'll be making these sounds and using , we 'll close our eyes and we 'll know exactly where we are , okay , and then after that once we 've done that just , before you choose your profession to know what this is going to lead onto , after that we 're going to put movements to that profession , so when , if you were in a factory going er putting bottles on , on top top of bottles , you would have the movements going and you would have the sound going and I want you to build up , up , the sound machine which becomes the movement machine as well , so you 're almost robotic so you , shh , shh , or whatever , however your sound , and each person does their thing in the factory or where ever they are and we will be able to see from listening and looking at the movements and obviously remember just because you 're not an example it does n't mean you ca n't talk , there might be for instance there would be a doctor going stand back , stand back , you know , er , in , in the you can use voices , but also obviously very , very effective to have sound voices , shh , shh , to create that part of it , have instruments , but this is how they actually started lay down sound tracks for movies , people specialize
2 This letter is directed chiefly at those who responded to my two previous appeals in these columns , and who are already writing to one or more of the nearly 500 prisoners on death rows in the Caribbean with whom we are now in contact .
3 the grave danger to the people as a whole from the extreme section of the Socialists , who are now beginning to openly admit they are out for REVOLUTION and CONFISCATION .
4 So that I feel that one of the things that we must do is ensure that all people who are now training to be teachers , and those who already in the service , have got to be given more information about the condition so that they may be able to recognise it .
5 If these problems can be overcome by the planners who are now setting to work under the direction of the UN Secretary-General , the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal could be an important step in strengthening international law .
6 Those at the conference table are not Palestine Liberation Organisation representatives working out of Tunis but people who actually live in the occupied territories , who have been deprived of their homeland , as they see it , and who are now looking to the future and trying to negotiate some kind of settlement .
7 The holiday was particularly useful for children who are still coming to terms with their conditions and may have been robbed of their self-confidence .
8 The greatest difficulties are often to do with people who are very close in overt status and who are therefore threatening to one another .
9 ‘ You were one of several people who were probably going to be let go on my recommendation as part of a rationalisation programme , but the manner in which I caused it to happen …
10 The conditions for the crossing were not much worse than for the criminals who were just beginning to be shipped across from England in the 1670s , and the death rates were not much higher .
11 I remember two lady missionaries , who were also returning to Burma , saying , ‘ Well , of course we shall arrive safely because we are going out to do the Lord 's work . ’
12 Opposite the hotel was a refugee camp with children who were constantly trying to part unwary tourists from their money .
13 " I wonder what he would have said , Chuck , if I 'd told him he 'd just served a drink to someone who 's probably going to be much more important one day than a run-of-the-mill Democratic senator from Virginia ? "
14 See , when I go out , I 'm looking out for me and my mate , I do n't want some researcher in the back who 's just going to be a liability …
15 Really , it should , if there 's the accountant there who 's ever going to be treasurer next year should go .
16 There 's a kind of chap who 's always going to be head boy or chief prefect and who appeals to his elders .
17 Well like that 's good for a wee girl who 's still going to college and what not right ?
18 Indeed , Jones took time out in October 1988 to visit Europe , speaking at a meeting on muon catalysed fusion and having a brief vacation with his wife , hardly the behaviour expected of someone who is frenziedly responding to the sudden emergence on the scene of competition .
19 He trots around doing menial jobs under the eye of the warder , but in fact is a guerrilla leader who is merely pretending to be mad .
20 Erm really what er I wanted to do was erm to sort out the , the person who is actually going to the Chrism mass .
21 Debbie Scott ( 19 ) , who is now training to be a hairdresser , says her education suffered because of the emotional upset caused by the bullies .
22 A TWO-YEAR-OLD boy in Cape Town , who was slowly suffocating to death , yesterday became the world 's first child to have an artificial windpipe implanted , during an operation by a British surgeon .
23 This will not affect anyone who was already contributing to a pension plan prior to July 1988 unless , that is , they actually wish to change .
24 It had been carried out by himself , Dr Peter Brophy , and Dr Robert Wilson , who was also going to the premiere .
25 It was there that I picked up Tom Phillips , an artist who was just beginning to be sought after .
26 At a rally addressed by Labour 's Dennis Healey , they spent most of the time trying to avoid one of their school dinner ladies , who was forever shouting to the platform : ‘ You 're just feathering the beds for the Tories . ’
27 And the youngest was Phyllis , who was always trying to be good .
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